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RE: September 5-12, 2020: Projects Update

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Sounds like you got your work cut out for you with the home renos!
Glad you are planning some fun and fellowship, educating and getting some help too - so much going on!
Can't wait to see the post about your gathering!
That how gardening seems to be always next year and you are constantly learning.
You are fortunate to live in Texas with such a long growing season - planting potatoes in August!
I had a real ruff year one year when I had a killing frost in August killing all the potao plants so I didn't get any potatoes. I had planted a bunch of different beans for drying and was going to pull the cover up on the hoop house to let them finish and dry on the plant but the frost got all them too!

I'm working more on getting our land more productive too for the cost of food is getting higher and higher.

Thanks for sharing - love seeing your enthusiasm!