How to make a healthy diet actually stick?

in Natural Medicine2 years ago (edited)

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Starting to eat more raw foods can be the easier step. But often it is consistency with our new habits which is the real challenge.

How can we stay motivated even after the first burst of adventure vanishes?

💫 Getting clear on your intention

Become clear on why you are doing it, your underlying motivation for a change. For example to be more energetic for playing with your kids, to have a sharper mind in order to better follow your passion projects or to overcome certain ailments that limit your freedom. Remember your intention whenever you need a motivational boost.

💫 Keeping the excitement

To make this not just a quick cleanse but start a sustainable new lifestyle with healthy foods, let's keep it exciting with our meals. Our taste buds adjust and most people find that they are naturally start to crave more simple mixtures. Yet, especially in the beginning it can be so powerful to explore lots of new recipes and play with various creations that amaze your taste buds - to keep it fun and find mixtures that you love for your everyday meals.

💫 Practicing gratitude

Whenever it gets challenging, look at how you started and what small or big progress you’ve already achieved. Celebrate that, feel all the gratitude. But also forgive yourself for falling down now and then. The real success lies in standing up again and moving on - with more wisdom and strength.

💫 Building connections

We are the average of the five people we surround ourselves the most. You want to eat healthier? Surround yourself with people that are as fit and healthy as you like to be. If your current environment doesn’t offer you that chance, use social media, blogs, podcasts, videos to follow health-conscious heroes.

Let it be a plant-based diet, a raw lifestyle, no more processed foods, ditching alcohol or smoking - I hope these tips will help you to create a more sustainable change in your health journey.

If you could use help to making it happen - click here to learn more about my Holistic Health Coaching Programs.

I wish you an inspiring day,

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Its very important that people don't view normal eating (what you're describing) as a "diet" and instead just life. Thinking of the benefits that the healthy food will bring them, instead of what they have to "give up" on a diet!

Thanks for posting!