Do you know that bitter kola is a miracle seed with so much health benefits? follow me as I unleash it numerous health benefits to you

in Natural Medicine2 years ago (edited)

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Hi everyone , I am so delighted to be among you , it is my very first post in this community and I have no regrets to come into this family, while going round the hive community , I discovered the natural medicine community where I can share some natural remedies that has worked for me over time which can be of help to some people who might be in need of an immediate home remedy. stay tune as I take you around the wonders of the seed called bitter kola.

A brief description of bitter kola

Bitter kola can also be called Garcinia kola, this is a plant that is commonly found in the central and western Africa and has been known and valued for it's numerous medical properties.Every part of the bitter kola is very important ans has its own health benefits.

Properties of bitter kola

  • The better kola contain aphrodisiac properties which helps to boost sexual pleasure, desire as well as performance.

  • It also has antimicrobial properties which is found in both the nuts and the leaves which helps to fight infections

Health benefits of bitter kola

Treatment of infection: Bitter kola has a long standing history in the treatment of common cold and hepatitis. this helpas to fight with the organisms that causes the infection in our system.

Inflammation purposes: Inflammatory disorders such as arthritis can be treated by often consuming bitter kola.The high potassium content present in the bitter kola helps to reduce inflammation.

Treatment of diabetes: Kolaviron, the chemical found in bitter kola helps type 2 diabetes patients in avoiding hypoglycemia and also helps to reduce blood glucose levels.

For the treatment of impotency: the intake of bitter kola helps to increase sexual urge in male.

For malaria treatment: Bitter kola contain antimalarial stimulant which helps to fight malaria in our system.

For weight reduction: Bitter kola as a typical hunger suppressor and a thirst booster helps to reduce weight.

Used for cold and fever cure: Bitter kola has the ability to increase the alveolar sacs and pipe and therefore helps to relieve cold and prevent it from spreading.

Helps in the interaction of glaucoma: An eye drop made from the Garcinia kola extract can help in the treatment of glaucoma.

For cough treatment: Bitter kola when graded and mixed with honey can be taken for the treatment of cough.


Bitter kola has numerous health benefits which has been used to fight different diseases and it's antibacterial properties cannot be can try out this natural home remedy with bitter kola whenever you are face with any of the above health challenges that may require an immediate attention. Thanks for sparing your time to read through I will appreciate your comments.