I Am Officially a Cold Shower Addict

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)

I'm hardly the next Ice Woman of the internet, but hey, I've just had three weeks of cold showers.

Yup. Icy cold blasts of ball shrinking water (thank god I don't have them) all over my tingling skin. And it's bloody great. Whilst it might be painful for a moment or two, once those pain receptors settle down it's quite tolerable. And afterwards, I'm invigorated and energised. It's become a bit of a tonic - my only regret is not doing it earlier in my life.


Cold showers are meant to make you feel good. They reduce muscle soreness, inflammation and strengthen the immune system - in fact, one study found that people who took cold showers had fewer sick days. A cold shower is meant to trigger the body's immune response regardless of how long it is. It helps with mental alertness and feelings of fatigue. I'm sold. Utterly, utterly sold.

I do have a warm shower first, washing all the bits that need to be washed, then it's full blast cold. I tried to

When I was a kid, my Dad taught me zen and the art of handling being tickled. 'It's all the mind,' he said. 'Just pretend it doesn't tickle'. To this day I disappoint people by standing there deadpan, unaffected by their attempts to make me laugh by tickling. Not that this happens often, mind, but you know, once in a while I can use my superpower and amaze people.

It's a bit like that with cold showers. Whilst Jamie's face sccchrrrrunches up like a little boy and his whole body convulses and he swears like a pirate with a piranha hanging off his testicles, I can stand there and shrug off the seconds, nonchalent and calm as the vegemite toast that follows for breakfast. Not. A. Problem. Mind you, I only last about 45 seconds on most days, but that's enough to make my skin come alive.

As for the rest of the Wim Hof extravanganza, I'll pass on the breathing techniques, thanks. Breathing like that makes me anxious.

But cold showers? I'm in.

With Love,


Supporting Meditators on HIVE



Ohhhh! Cold! I'm more into scalding showers, but yeah have to end it with a minute under cold water.

 3 years ago  

Oh man YES... hot hot hot... totally agree!!!!

hahahaha honestly whenever I see someone mentioning about cold shower, I am like " oh well, how nice that you get to choose" :D for me, I always have cold shower because there's no hot shower xD

 3 years ago  

Oh I didn't even think of my privilege! At least you know it's good for you... 🤗 By the way, I've lived for years with no hot water, except that which you boil yourself, so I do know!

I've been following this cold shower trends and read a bunch of its benefit; it's just not for me. I like hot/warm shower :D

 3 years ago  

That's what I've been saying for years! Lol.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

 3 years ago  

Haha very curious that the method of breathing despairs you, you are not the first person who tells me. But the truth is that I like it so much that I find it hard to believe that they don't like 🤣 with the cold water bath I if better pass... My dad used to say that I was half a goat and I come from a place where even the beach is hot, what can I do?

 3 years ago  

I find the fast breathing replicates the breathing of anxious states for me and that I don't need! I love various breathing strategies aka pranayam but not this one.

Half goat? 🐐🐐

Wow I love this! I have been doing lymph brushing in the shower and then I switch from hot to cold and try and end as cold as possible and I'm a big baby. Used to all the hot springs around here and I just like it hot hahah. This makes perfect sense though and I appreciate the insight 💜

 3 years ago  

I love lymph brushing!!! I can't even imagine doing it after a cold shower but I'm going to do just that this morning!

How did it go? It used to be unpleasant and now I look forward to it 😅

I do the cold shower thing a lot too...Sort of warmish first and then full cold for a minute or less before I get out. Admittedly it's not so much a winter thing. I can't recall who put me onto it but I've done it for years.

 3 years ago  

I definitely can't imagine doing it in winter, especially in our house, that's not that warm. But I'm so into it. Don't know why I've been so stubborn about it. Didn't realise I could have both I guess.. hot and cold!

OK, so hear me out...I'm thinking a cold shower concept for hive where those who wish to participate take a cold shower at the exact predetermined moment as the other participants. Live-streaming is optional. The Hive cold-shower challenge could be a good name for the concept. Then at the end those who joined in can say...Ah yes, I remember when I took a cold shower with...

Catch on ya think river? 😂

 3 years ago  

Haha I love it!!!! Time differences might be an issue but could be fun.. :P Screams optional.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

I think I'm onto something. The truly daring can set up cameras.

I like cool showers, cold ones? I'd have to ease in to that! But if I was under a waterfall, give me that all day, that's a great feeling!

 3 years ago  

Well, close your eyes and imagine you are under a waterfall 🤗🤗🤗🤗

But if I close my eyes I'd trip up the ridge to get in to the shower and bash in to the shower head, rendering me vexed and possibly bruised 😂

 3 years ago  

Oh no don't do that lol - step over the ridge FIRST then close your eyes!

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Well would you look at that, suddenly the Pacific ocean is calling to me; huh! Still not sure I'll answer the call mind you.

 3 years ago  

Do it!!!!

Haha. The gas in our building was getting upgraded (for safety reasons) so we had no gas and I had no hot water for 6 weeks up until Christmas. Despite living in the tropics, so the water is never "that cold", I was still over it by the end of 6 weeks. I don't even want it to be hot. I only need a tad, just to take the edge off so it's not like doing the old "1,2,3" into a swimming pool each time you take a shower.

I also had no hot water in my shower for about 3 months when I first moved over here but that was a different apartment. Still annoying though.

 3 years ago  

True, the easing in is better, as is the CHOICE. No way could I wake up some mornings and face it!

J swears by cold showers too :)

And meanwhile I hate the feeling of cold so much that even all the purported benefits can't budge me in the slightest XD

Cold shower is what I always do. :)

 3 years ago  

Out of choice or necessity?

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

I once read an article about the benefits of cold shower to the body. Since that day I prefer a cold shower before I get out of the bathroom.

 3 years ago  

I have done my fair share of cold bathing in rivers and cold showers as hot water has always been a luxury to me, but in the winter it has to be a little warm. Except if I have been in a sauna and then I can go full cold. I do wash my dishes everyday in freezing cold water does that count? I am sure you know how it is from the truck living days xxx

 3 years ago  

I totally do. We used to lug 25 L water butts we'd fill up at church or Tesco, heat a stock pot on the woodburner and have a bath in front of the fire. Jarrah first, then me, then Jamie - the excess soapy water would go out the front where we peed hahaha - site life!