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RE: Family Secrets & Inherited Traumas

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Fascinating reading. Have you heard of epigenetics? Once I heard about trauma switching on/off gene expressions and how these might be inherited the whole thing made sense. They believe that many Irish American grandchildren had diabetes from grandparents experiencing poverty in previous generations. Intergenerational, inherited trauma is common as secrets kept about trauma just simmer beneath the surface if they arent explosively expressed as depression, violence, alcoholism etc. I worry for the COVID grandkids. Much to be said on this topic.


Nice to see you in the trenches. 😜!ENGAGE 15

 4 years ago  

🖤 Thankyou!

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I have not heard about that but it all really makes perfect sense that past traumas must be stuck somewhere in our DNA as well! I find it fascinating seeing little characteristics of my parents or grandparents showing up in my children as well. This really is most interesting and I will certainly look up epigenetics, thank you for this info @riverflows!