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RE: The Reality of Roosters

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Back when we had roosters we were really lucky with the neighbours and the council workers. We checked in with the neighbours and all of them apparently really liked roosters (most of them were seniors so perhaps it reminded them of childhoods on farms or at least when there was lower population densities and less ridiculous restrictions? XD) so we got away with our roosters and hens and the inevitable millions of chicks.

We had two usually that got on alright with each other (or at least got on enough to agree to be on opposite sides of the house that they would just circle around with their flocks) and the rest ended up in the freezer because we're evil selfish circle of life types.

JJ decided not to breed this time round so we just have girls who stay in the coop and don't get to roam around outside like our last lot did.

 4 years ago  

I wonder if the flocks circling the house would have been a nice deterrent to anyone's considering breaking in. Do you think your roosters would have gone for strangers?

I don't think people know enough about chickens around here to be worried about the roosters, plus the ones we had were pretty small and only aggressive towards each other if anything (we got rid of the aggressive ones as the kids were small enough to have eyes taken out at the time).

Even the dogs were more scared of the broodies than the roosters XD There was a time where the two big dogs went charging up to the front to bark at someone passing and my Japanese bantam hen was out there with her clutch and she saw these two gigantic canines barrelling towards her, couldn't work out which direction to run to get away from them, so she fluffed up and charged them. Both dogs skidded to an abrupt halt, backpedalled rapidly and then full on turned tail and fled. Meanwhile JJ who was on the patio with a cuppa nearly spat his tea XD