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RE: On Self-Care

Great book, great post.

It sparks an interesting conversation, because "self-care" sounds like a 'thing' that we can put a name to and know how it looks, but since there about 8 billion unique 'selves' in the world, there will be 8 billion different kinds of self-care.

Proper self-care for one, could be a toxic environment for others. Some people thrive in challenge and pressure, it brings out their best, others need peace, calm, and zen. Some people go back and forth depending on the time/space.

And so, self-care becomes a wonderful thing to recommend to others, but also an impractical one. The only person who knows how to properly care for our...selves.

That doesn't mean we can't get ideas and inspiration from others, but as you said at the start of your post, that can easily lead to the 'wrong' thing for us (treating ourselves, perhaps), so only committed experimentation and introspection will do the trick.

Anyway, glad you found a 'baseline' that works for you, thanks for making me think.


because "self-care" sounds like a 'thing' that we can put a name to and know how it looks, but since there about 8 billion unique 'selves' in the world, there will be 8 billion different kinds of self-care.

Exactly. And I am glad that I help you think about self-care and maybe find the baseline for yourself.

Thank you! :)