The age of frequency healing is here, but are you willing to give it a try?

in Natural Medicine10 months ago (edited)

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My journey into electroculture has taken me on many unexpected tangents, but none as interesting and potentially life changing as this one. For the last month I have been looking into frequency based healing devices and will describe for you now (in this and the next seven posts) what I have found, focusing on five devices in particular which are not only affordable but they are also backed up with believable testimonials and thousands of scientific studies which confirm the effectiveness of this technology, going all the way back to the work of great men such as Nikola Tesla and Royal Rife.

The frequency based healing industry appears to be exploding right now with hundreds of different devices being produced all over the world, but in essence it is happening in secret because you won't hear about this kind of explosion in the news.

Doctors are not taught about frequency healing because it actually works and if enough people knew about it the medical industry gravy train would grind to a halt. Machines which fix multiple diseases (perhaps all?) and only need to be bought once are of course extremely bad for business. Much better to sell different pills for every disease and make sure they only address the symptoms and not the cause, while always creating the need for more pills to fix the undesirable symptoms of the last ones.

This and other very similar problems are systemic today.

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I say "are you willing to give it a try" because so many people are not. A life-time of programming (TV or otherwise) can make it very hard for a person to accept such radical shifts in thinking. They may perhaps be motivated enough to talk to their doctor about it or search online for reasons why it can't possibly work, but little more. You can be sure their doctor will be concerned by a device they are unfamiliar with "because it may render current medications ineffective sir" so the doubting Thomas will find what they are looking for and that will be that.

Just yesterday I saw someone in a forum arguing confidently that the entire frequency based healing industry is fraudulent, selling nothing but ineffective products. Well, if that were the case manufacturers would not be offering 30 day money back guarantee and I would not be able to find the numerous authentic-feeling video testimonials which all point to the effectiveness of these products.

A good vibration

To ease you into this subject please consider the idea that everything is vibrational at its core. Physical form is a consequence of frequency and our vibrational nature makes us susceptible to the frequencies around us.


Indeed, we can be in no denial that the age of radio, mobile phones, wifi, bluetooth etc has played its role in our degrading health. So if we can just boost the right kind of frequencies around us, the reverse will be true and we can fix every ailment, returning our bodies to perfect health.

Masaru Emoto taught us how different types of music (which is nothing more than a frequency in the perceptible section of the electromagnetic spectrum) will affect water in different ways. Here you can see the effect displayed visually as frozen water crystals.

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In contrast with this.

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Yannick Van Doorne taught us how plants grow better around certain frequencies and how everything which is good for plants is also good for humans.

The electromagnetic spectrum is big, offering many different opportunities to interact with the human body in some way, positively or negatively.


Tuning forks, singing bowls, chanting and singing have been shown to play a role in our health, so there is no reason to believe humans haven't been keeping themselves healthy in this manner for a long time already.

But even the more advanced technology is nothing new. Most of the machines I am going to describe in this series were originally created by Royal Royal Rife over 70 years ago.

Here you can see him in his lab with one of his home made microscopes and a plasma pulsed radiofrequency device.


Using his microscopes (which created magnifications considered impossible even today) he was able to witness specific microbial pathogens dying when specific frequencies were directed at them. He cured multiple cases of cancer and was pushing to cure more, which is likely the reason why despite having his findings published in newspapers and scientific journals like the Smithsonian Institution annual report of 1944, they were later rejected by the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society and mainstream science at large. Much like Tesla before him he was ostracised, dying penniless and frustrated, believing his life's work to have been for nothing. And perhaps it would have been were it not for great people like John White who in the last ten years have taken his ideas further.

about John White

The main message I want to get across in this series of posts is one of hope:

Hope for those who have been told by their doctor there is none.
Hope for those who feel in their core that pharmaceutical drugs or invasive surgery are not the solution.
Hope even for the healthy people who wish to stay this way permanently!

I am new to this subject so no doubt there are many more options than those I will highlight here, some of which may be more effective for your specific condition. Please do your own research before buying anything and know that I am not a doctor! (Thank goodness).

In truth we are all doctors, given the right tools.

Personal thoughts

All of this is very exciting for me because I believe frequency devices can cure my step-father of Parkinsons disease and my daughter of a paralysed ocular motor nerve which prevents her from looking right with her permanently dilated left eye.


I believe the dilation is due to an enlarged pineal gland putting pressure on the nerve where it enters the lower brain and I don't have an issue with this but would like to get the nerve working again so she can look both directions. In case you are wondering she wasn't born this way and doctors have been 100% useless in offering either the cause or the cure.

As is my way, I am simply sharing my findings with you. So obviously none of this represents medical advice. Just my personal journey, which I will continue to share with you long after I have watched them both cure themselves.


In the following seven posts I will be reviewing six frequency based healing devices and concluding in the final chapter with my thoughts.

These posts have already been prepared so I will put them out one a day over the next week.

Love & Light everyone 🌱

Jump to the next post here


The two art images were made by myself and the Midjourney bot.
Prompts available on request.


Great post dear friend, @samstonehill ! 😇

Yes, I am with you 100% and am well on my way to multidimensional health and vitality, having been using energetic and homeopathic healing for around 30 + years. Lots of studies being done on water and the elements, which more and more folks are getting interested in and that is changing their approach to wellness...

I'm noticing a significant shift in my own approach and feeling around energetic healing recently, as the 'critical mass' is blossoming, making it so much easier to tap into the collective (human and Gaia Sophian) and the Universal vibrations of healing. My own health chronically incapacitated me when I was younger.

I've noticed all kinds of transformative change in old relationship patterns lately - and in deepest embodied fears that have up to now felt insurmountable: this is an incredible time to be reaching out for help, that's for sure.

Looking forward to hearing more about your journey 🤗

What I love about your comments is the way they always remind me how simple it can be. In this series I have focused predominantly on machines which obviously need to be bought with money but even this idea will ultimately become outdated as more and more people wake up to their natural abilities. It's like the story of The Alchemist, we leave home looking for something and go on a big journey only to realise that what we are looking for was right back at home all along.

Thank you for this reminder and also for sharing these important aspects of your own journey 🙏

The critical mass really is blossoming. So many testimonials from happy customers my mind has been blown. From where I am standing it seems as if once people get into this they ultimately end up operating as hospitals/healing centres, helping more and more people with their problems. Because why wouldn't you?

An incredible time to be reaching out for help indeed!


I have been really reluctant to act as an activator and healer of others - it is a hard place to stand in, when patriarchy/ mysogyny so aggressively channels hatred onto women - it takes such a strength of having to digest this and transform it - I often feel like I don't have the power, ultimately, to do this. But it does accumulatively get easier, and one has to work hard at keeping the mindheartbodyspiritcosmos open always, to not get pulled into the mud of the mainstream. It helps enormously to have enthusiastic sharings and perspectives like your own, to keep me grounded in the centre of all things, dear friend @samstonehill !

Looking forward to the next articles to refresh my memory!
A minor correction (I'm so sorry - that seems to be a compulsion of mine 😲 ): Rife's microscope, as far as I know, is still considered impossible by today's "scientifically accepted" rules of geometrical optics. From a cursory search of some of my old files I think his microscope was about 10x better that the currently accepted optical limits, and was at a similar level as electron microscopes.

It is wonderful having you onboard with me for this journey! I don't know many people for whom this information is old news. Appreciate the correction on Rife's microscope. I will amend the words right away. This puts it in a whole new light and I am not at all surprised now that modern science struggles to accept his work as being authentic. What an incredible man! Another one to add to the list of great people my not so great education didn't teach me about.

Sadly, yes, it seems that not too many people know about these type of topics, or have the inclination to research them. All the better that you are putting this information out there. With your rather large following, hopefully you will provide some aha moments to your readers!

(Don't forget to read my comments on your post "It is now illegal to harvest food here but the orgonite making has begun!" You didn't reply, so I suppose you haven't seen them.)

Ah yes! Many thanks for the comment reminder. Will get back to that later today. Once my lettuce & rocket has all been transplanted into their final destinations ;)

Not so sure how large my following really is to be honest. Crypto blogging platforms like this one have the habit of attracting people (who think they are going to get rich) and these people will follow me and others for a short while before getting bored and never returning. But their accounts remain. Active followers would be a useful stat to see!

I'm not here to ostracize you.

I'll give this an open-mind as a medical professional and a scientist, but I expect the burden of proof to be displayed.

What types of frequencies are being used?

What is the root pathophysiological effect other than increased blood flow (this can be a bad thing in some cases)?

Finally, consider Hanlon's razor. Never assume malice when incompetence can sufficiently explain the deficiencies. There are an innumerable amount of medical professionals that want nothing more than to cure or treat people. The deeper I get into science however, the more I realize that we really don't know as much as the public gives credit for. In fact, some treatments/medications in use don't have a for sure mechanism of action, only an assumed one. Not everyone is in it for the money.

Hello there!

Thank you for your measured words and important perspective.

I do apologise if I gave the impression that all doctors are in it for the money. That was not my intention. No doubt the majority, like yourself, are honest people who want the best for their patients. From my perspective the problem rests not with the doctors but the industry behind them which is very powerful and capable of influencing the medical education system to favour ideas which generate money. It is an unfortunate side-effect of capitalism but business and health are two things which should never be lumped together. Ethical boundaries will always end up getting blurred.

As a quick side note here, did you know that in China doctors are paid a small amount of money each month by all their healthy patients? The monthly payments are no longer required when the people get sick, so the money incentive is the other way around there. Doctors want their monthly payments so they do everything they can to keep their patients healthy. Even to the point where if for example the flu is going around, they will call up their healthy patients and advise them on precautions. I'm not saying this system is the solution but it does seem to make more sense than the one we are accustomed to.

What types of frequencies are being used?

It seems like different machines use different frequencies. Will do my best to include this information in the posts which follow.

Very interesting what you say about these machines stimulating blood flow. This is a possibility but I'm pretty sure enhanced blood flow doesn't cure stage 4 cancers, so either what you say isn't true or the multitude of stage 4 cancer testimonials I have read are fake.

Am not able to describe for you the root pathophysiological effect but it seems in some cases that the answer comes from quantum physics. Am curious to know why you think Einstein said what he said? "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies". Are you suggesting he was wrong? He made this statement from the perspective of a man who was just unlocking the door of quantum mechanics, famously describing quantum entanglement as "spooky action at a distance". Spooky indeed. Will go into this in more detail later in the series.

Thanks for the Hanlon's razor thought. Yes, I can see this logic. I am hardened however to this idea having seen too much which cannot be described as anything except cold calculated decisions designed to either kill us or make money. No doubt there is much stupidity but the entities which steer the general direction of the medical industry (the same people who bought modern science long ago) are not stupid. They know exactly what they are doing.

It is a big step I realise for someone to even acknowledge the existence of a secret elite who control all aspects of our reality, but that is my perspective. And, I do believe, the perspective of most of the people who follow my blog. But with that said it is great to have your voice in the mix!

I am excited to get these posts out.

As a quick side note here, did you know that in China doctors are paid a small amount of money each month by all their healthy patients?

I actually did know this. I always thought that was cool.

Am not able to describe for you the root pathophysiological effect but it seems in some cases that the answer comes from quantum physics. Am curious to know why you think Einstein said what he said? "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies". Are you suggesting he was wrong?

In short, yes and no. It's no doubt that Einstein is a great mind. I do however know from being entrenched in the field that scientists are more often wrong than right. You only have to be right a few times in the field. To some degree, I agree with the statement. All matter deals with frequencies. It's the application and efficacy that I question. How are these frequencies applied? What's the effect on biology? That kind of thing.

Also, I don't want to portray myself as a physician, as I'm not one. I am however working very hard to become one. We'll see. Currently I work as a paramedic. I see people in the dynamic chaos of their element.

I like the way you think. And I feel sure if you keep looking, you will find answers to your questions here. The next device I am going to describe is very interesting. There are many articles about it here with lots of details you may find interesting.

Great that you are working as a paramedic! From my perspective this is a much more useful profession than physician. Unless of course that physician can expand beyond their training by doing hours and hours of research with an open mind.

I wish you all the best on your journey and hope you will find the time to check out some of the devices I have been describing this week.

Proven fact.
worth mentioning the growing movement of centers worldwide offering the EE technology developed by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael (Energy Enhancement Systems)
there are currently hundreds of centers open and opening all over the world.
you can find a near by center here: EE centers worldwide
best regards 🌱

Excellent to see this! So much to learn here it seems.

I had heard that Tony Robins was into this stuff but wasn't aware of the specifics till now.

Not sure who Tony Robins is.. doesn´t ring a bell

He is a business tycoon/life coach. Probably one of the most famous US motivational speakers.

ok. seeing his face, I do recognize him, yes.

Very interesting! Yup! Frequency healing will be popular in the future. Also, electromagnetic energy or force fields would be quite useful too. Then we would have to know how to use ‘amulets’ or protections from frequency attacks or electromagnetic gun attacks! 🙀

It will be those techniques we could use with our brain to create safeguards against negative or unfriendly vibes!!

Mind over matter! But one has got to have a good strong mind too.


(Would love to try my healing things on the kid, if I were happened to be in your neighborhood. I did help a friend’s baby with eye problem some fifteen years ago, by chance!)

Would love to try my healing things on the kid, if I were happened to be in your neighborhood

Thank you so much for thinking of us in this way. Have you ever tried distance healing?

I did help a friend’s baby with eye problem some fifteen years ago, by chance!

Nothing happens by chance!

This is amazing :)

We are open to any kind of energetic healing you can offer.

Oh! I had never tried distant healing before as I don’t ‘heal’ as a profession. Only close friends who were in a crisis would ask for my help so I had to go to their houses to see what I could do. I dealt with serious cases most of the time in the past. But people took this for granted so I refrained from being available and not letting people know about my gift.

I once did a distant healing for a cat which fell from the top of the roof. It helped somewhat, the cat survived without internal injury but the back was broken. So he had to live inside a big cage and be looked after by a lady’s mother. I was told they got on very well; the old mother cleaned up the cat everyday as he could not go to toilet properly. He lived to his old age and passed away peacefully. He seemed to understand his situation and cooperated with the old lady. My friend told me they loved each other a lot. I wished I had seen this cat in his later years!

I will have to sit quietly about distant healing, whether it would be feasible for me, as I don’t know how the whole thing works. I only follow the guiding voice or force in that moment. It isn’t my energy but from outer space.

Lovely story about the cat.

No pressure of course for the distance healing. One must feel good about these things.

I'm just ramping up the energy as best I can to get ready for a very healing winter period :)

It isn’t my energy but from outer space.

This makes sense. We are only the conduits for the energy.

That’s so nice, you’re in the right place for gathering energy for winter healing. Your garden must be buzzing with energies. Love to be standing in your garden!

I've researched Royal Rife's EMF device and his findings quite thoroughly. If you ever get the chance to speak to Dr. Tony Jimenez, do so, you won't regret it. He runs a clinic in Mexico and they use several such devices along with UV light therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and more to heal cancer.
Find out more here:
Furthermore, research the Hoxsey Biomedical Center in Mexico because they also use interesting alternative therapies. And last but not least, watch the DVD series "The Truth About Cancer"; it's eye and mind-opening.

I've bookmarked your post and going to follow your series to learn from your insights too.

Dr. Tony Jimenez looks like an amazing man from my brief read about him online.

Just looking at your link now and I can see one of the three healing systems he uses is "light & sound therapies". Great stuff! A man ahead of his time. Many thanks for sharing this and super great to learn you are also ahead of the curve with your research! Personally I hadn't heard of Rife till now. But now that I have, there is no turning back...

I saw 'The truth about cancer' some years back and tried to advice Sabrina's mother accordingly but she is still hooked on the idea her doctor knows best. This would be the same doctor who advised her not to use spirulina (high nutrition supplement) in her smoothies because it might mess with her chemo.

It's astonishing to witness the lack of knowledge and understanding for the human body doctors have in this day and age. Spirulina, moringa and co. are all great supplements provided they are of high quality and not contaminated with heavy metals.

In regards to Parkinson's and your daughter's eye issue especially as you mention the pineal gland in your post: Are you familiar with Dr. Joe Dispenza's work? Numerous patients have healed of Parkinson's (he is very scientific and ensures everything is well documented). His meditations are mind-blowing when it comes to activating the pineal gland (hint: breath exercise where you actively push your spinal fluid up to hit the crystals in the pineal gland). Check out his books and guided meditations. Here is his official website:

What I like most about Dr. Joe is that he combines neuroscience, quantum physics and spirituality to empower common people to heal and achieve life-changing results like no one else on this planet (at least not that I'm aware of).

Yes, we know a spirulina producer here in France and found the quality to be very good. Hence our suggestion to Sabrina's mother, who checked with her doctor and decided not to use it based on his answer.

Many thanks for the Dispenza suggestion. Was aware of his work (have read 'Breaking the habit of being yourself' some years ago) but was not aware he was out there curing Parkinsons! Will definitely check this out. You are not the first person to mention him to me in recent days. So this must surely be a sign.

I am looking forward to reading your findings. Frequency treatments sound similar to the New German Medicine approach.

GNM hey. Hadn't heard of that till now. Looks right up my street!

Thanks for the heads up.