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RE: A walk into the arms of Mother Nature to connect with all life

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Thank you for sharing your paradise with us, you are privileged to be able to immerse yourself in nature in this way. I also love being with Mother Earth, seeing her, hearing her, smelling her, feeling her ... it is so pleasant! However, my space is smaller, but I still value it and it is my piece of paradise. I hope one day to be able to personally know these wonderful landscapes, where we are one with the planet. Greetings and blessings, friend @julescape.

Gracias por compartir con nosotros tu paraíso, eres privilegiado al poder sumergirte en la naturaleza de esta forma. A mí también me encanta estar con Madre Tierra, verla, oírla, olerla, tan grato! Sin embargo, mi espacio es más reducido, pero igualmente lo valoro y es mi trozo de paraíso. Espero algún día poder conocer personalmente estos paisajes maravillosos, en donde somos uno con el planeta. Saludos y bendiciones, amigo @julescape.


Greetings @tarot911 Great to hear from you, it pray that you can access the beauty of nature there where you are. I'm so glad that you have access to the healing natural surroundings. Everything is cyclic so a time may come where you can see the broader horizons of the world.