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RE: Another Month of Fun in the Garden {Early August 2021}

It was a very long day, but a weekend spent with our son and his family relaxing and playing with the grandkids proved to be just what the doctor ordered.
Composting routine, the key to growing veggies for sure. Black gold is a great way to put it. We compost everything and include it with the fallen leaves from the year before. The worms love the stuff and a compost pile can never have too many worm castings scattered throughout.
I find farm hobbitizing to be the best way to keep fit and the bonus is twofold, you are outside and you get paid for your efforts with a sense of self-sufficiency.

Appreciation for most things comes from not always having what it is that one wants. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I don't think you will ever have to worry about being out of a job as many people don't consider the benefits of staying fit until they're not.