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RE: From Immune System Thinking to Homeostasis

Like i said, i don't think the immune system is a real thing which is why they ignore it. Homeostasis is, and they're constantly gaming it with pharmaceuticals. Many illnesses can be attributed to nutrient deficiency that they design drugs for, or use to... today the cost of making a new drug compared to a vaccine doesn't make sense for them anymore which is why they're pushing vaccines. The requirements are nothing and there's no drawback because they cannot be sued for vaccine damage.

Vitamins are useless without trace minerals. In order for plants and trees to uptake trace minerals, the minerals first have to be in the soil. When you look the medium most food is grown in, it's like basic liability insurance, which is the bare minimum required by the state. It's enough to grow the plant but not to fill it with nutrients. Growing your own is better but you may still not have trace minerals in your soil if you don't take the time to put them there first.

There are other methods of uptake humans can use to bypass the pallet if smothering a liver in onions and vermouth doesn't work for you. For example you can get desiccated beef liver capsules.

It is critically important to only ingest bio-available trace minerals which is why if you take a supplement that the supplement comes from a food source. It just happens that the bio-available copper found in grass fed beef liver comes already bound to ceruloplasmin. So if you have another condition or dietary habit which blocks this transmission and keeps the binding from happening. This could be a way to regulate and correct whatever may be obstructing the binding.

I just assume let the squirrel and chipmunk have the nuts so the coyote and the wolf can hunt the squirrel and chipmunk to keep predators around to move the ruminant herds around so the can't graze one pasture too long, which would allow the grass to grow ultra-deep taproots providing a carbon layer underground which holds moisture in the dry season and absorbs moisture in the wet seasons hedging against both excessive flooding and drought at which point meat and other food and feed in the form of companion planted cover crops is a byproduct of just good sensible ecology.