A Time Of Balance! Happy Equinox Everyone

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

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It is hard to stay balanced during these times. Although the natural world is celebrating this wonderful time of the year, us humans have had to deal with a world that is very much out of balance. Trying to navigate our way, as more and more upheaval is occurring around us,this unveiling has thrown so many of us out of balance, myself included.

We need to embrace moments of silence and observation, so that we can ground ourselves once again. To step away from the craziness that those in power are trying to enforce on us. We need to step away and instead, step within!

At this time of the year, the Autumn Equinox, (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere), both night and day are equal, being in perfect balance with one another. This brings with it a sense of harmony and the ability to move forward and create change and transformation.

When we align ourselves with the natural world, we open ourselves up to a deepen understanding and knowing of who we are. We too are affected by the seasons and they bring with them the opportunity to reconnect and explore. We only need to take the time to sit in silence and observe, observe what is happening around us, in the natural world.

Forget about what is being forced upon us and focus on how the earth is changing, how the sap in the trees and the plants are beginning to move down, how the leaves are changing colour. There is a transition occurring.This is the beginning of root energy, a time of rest and renewal.

This is the time to travel within, to go within the womb of the earth. Right now we are witnessing the balance between the outer and the inner journey. A time when we too must be ready to journey inwards.


Reflecting on the natural world (our connection to our inner self) as we navigate our way in the outer world, in this chaos that we are witnessing. So much has been unveiled these last two months, but now, now we have to focus on bringing all of that into balance. The seen and the unseen. Because how can we really move forward unless we embrace them both.

These things have co existed together and now we have to find a way to bring them into balance, to embrace that darkness so that it can come into the light. This is happening in a far greater scale, that many of us have dealt with before. But we were made for these times and we all have a role to play. Connect with yourself, step away first so that you can step within and find than inner knowing that will help you during these times.

This is all about reconciling. Reconciling all sides of ourselves, bringing them into balance so that we can see them as a part of the whole. Now is the time to celebrate our masculine and feminine energies, to celebrate the light and dark within. To embrace our inner child and our older self. To embrace our pain and our joy and see how it has made us whole.

Now as we seek to move forward into a better world, we need to embrace it all, all that came before us, all that has led us to this point. We may not agree with it all, but it is all relevant to where we stand now!

The season's are changing and with it the opportunity to begin again, to create a new!

Now is the time to make long term planning and to incubate those seeds of change within. As we gather our harvest, give thanks for all that we have and all that we have seen. By expressing our gratitude we open the doors of abundance to flow into our lives. On this magical day, set your intent and take the time to listen to your inner wisdom, so that it can guide your way!


I leave you all with this Rainbow song that I have been singing today on this wonderful day of Balance, Harmony and Gratitude.
Happy Equinox Everyone!

I Find my Joy in the Simple Things

I find my joy in the simple things,
that come from the earth.

I find my joy in the sun that shines
and the water that sings to me.

Listen to the wind and listen to the water, hear what they say.

Singing hey yah hey yah hey yah hey yah hey yah hey yah ho

Oh Never forget, never forget to give thanks,

Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks, and praise


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 4 years ago  

I agree that we are experiencing the time of balance between the inner and outer world, and it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing these inspiring words, these are great times to be alive :D

 4 years ago  

Hey @fenngen it's always so good to hear from you, I hope you are well my friend, much love to you xxx


 4 years ago  


Curated for #naturalmedicine by @porters.

I love how you celebrate the equinox and change of seasons, sharing your wisdom and connection to nature with the lessons you can learn from those connections.

Here's to finding balance and creating a new!

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 4 years ago  

Thank you @porters xxx