Foraged hand made nettle tea

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

Freshly foraged nettle tea, collect nettles and hang them up to dry somewhere warm. When you pick the nettles is important, here is a great article about the best times to harvest:

Once crispy dry rub them between gloved hands. Once they're broken up a bit they don't sting anymore. Store in an air tight jar.

To make the tea put a tablespoon in a small pot which is enough for two small mugs. You can also add a few mint leaves and leave for approx 15 mins. Then strain ( It is pretty potent after just a few minutes if you don't want to wait)







I just (10 minutes ago) finished harvesting and laying out to dry a big bunch of stinging nettles!

The way I prepared them was to snip off each leaf into the sink, then rinse them well a few times in cold water (as some leaves were a little muddy), then laid each leaf out individually in dry tea cloths. It took me about two hours in total I think including the harvesting, for five tea cloths full (picture below).

I did the same with Melissa leaves a few days back which are now dry and stored in glass jar. I didn't pull up the roots of the Melissa though like I did with the nettles.

Your way of drying the nettles sounds much quicker. I'll try it next time, washing each stem individually first.


oh wow nice! well yours is probably more proper haha

I do love nettle tea and it is so good for us. I drank it regularly when I was pregnant and breastfeeding.
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haha... @riverflows this has YOUR name on it. 😆 Lovely tea pot @ultravioletmag. 😍

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