Vitamin B1 - Nutrient for Metabolism and Stress - Health and Healing

Image by Larry White from Pixabay

One of the things I want my children to learn during their homeschool "career" is about how to eat for optimal health. You and I can argue about what you should eat (actually, I don't like arguing, so let's just skip that part), but the basic building blocks remain the same - vitamins and minerals.

My plan is to create a set of images that they can easily look at for future reference. So, today, I made one for Vitamin B1 - since I happened across a very good video about it yesterday from Dr. Eric Berg.

What is Vitamin B1 for?

Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble (we don't store it) vitamin also known as Thiamine. It has many uses throughout the body in our cardiovascular system, nervous system and digestive system - amongst others. In our digestive systems it is responsible for metabolizing glucose (sugar.) Unsurprisingly, the more sugars and grains we eat, the more thiamine we require to use it up. Unsurprisingly, diabetics are thiamine-deficient.

Read more on my illustrations. (Feel free to print these out for use at home. I plan to make more.)



If you eat meat, the best sources are PORK and FISH. If you don't eat meat, your best source is NUTRITIONAL YEAST and SEAWEED. Note that some of the numbers vary depending on who you ask, so don't take them literally, but more of a guide to what you should be eating.

Today's sources:

Crossposted on Uptrennd.

Past issues of Health and Healing

Nutrition - Vitamins & Minerals

Wild Healing & Foraging

Disease Prevention/Healing

Herbal Medicine

Plants to Avoid

Crystal Healing


I am not a medical doctor. I am a solver of problems. I do the best I can to research and come up with possibilities that you may find useful, but I cannot diagnose your medical issue, nor can I tell you the best way to handle your situation. If in doubt, seek professional assistance.

When turning to nature, especially in the wild, you must take all responsibility to do due diligence. Using the wrong plant/herb/fungi can be extremely harmful or even fatal. When in doubt, seek experienced help. Note that identical plants/fungi found in a different country may be very different.

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
(Buy my work at RedBubble, TeePublic, PicFair and DeviantArt.)
verified author on Goodreads
(Buy my books at Books2Read and at LBRY)
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 4 years ago  

Thanks for the reminder to up my B's. As I suffer anxiety my system can get depleted really quickly.

clever images - a good way to retain the info as well!