
Yeah he really is is quite a piece of work. There is definitely some pick up in protests but I wonder if it will be enough. There was a pretty large illegal rodeo in southern Alberta last weekend.

I hear people are starting to rise up and protest the endless lockdowns in parts of Canada.

god, i fucking hope so. so much other news of how things have been going in this country have been making me questioning leaving it again...

You certainly are not gonna catch me in a western country any time soon.

what's the vibe like where you're at in Thailand?

(heard they're pushing for "passports" there too, sad as fuck.)

Where I'm at it's super chill. Island of 10,000 locals and foreigners, many are vegan hippy type which hate the medical industry and don't trust the establishment so they are mostly not interested in being vaxed. Then according to my Thai girlfriend who just left her job at a public school, all of the staff got offered the vaccine and maybe 20% took it. So that is a good sign.

Yes I too heard a report in Thailand they gonna do the vaccine passport, but I think it will only apply to help Thai's and/or foreigners travel internationally. I don't think it's gonna be a show your passport to go grocery shopping kind of thing. I think the people will revolt, I don't think even half the population will get vaccinated here and the government has been pretty clear that it won't be forced on the people.

So I'm pretty happy to be where I am all things considered. Sad part is that I'm not vaccinated under any circumstance so looks like my days of international travel are gonna be over for a while....but I already have about 18 years of international travel, so if that is it, I can't complain, especially since I'm gonna be staying in my favorite country Thailand.

Good question.

Hope things get better in Canada soon.


I definitely wanna return there when travel lax again. Did a year total in the islands and would love to go back. Koh Phagnan is definitely a decent spot to be during this whole global charade.