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RE: Taking Ownership of My Own Nutritional Needs.

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

I have been vegetarian since eight, it was for me a moral choice being aware what I was eating but I never preach about it. I still eat some free range eggs though I hope to have my own hens in the future. I think key is moderation, let's not forget not only animal welfare but how contaminating meat industry is. I think a healthy vegetarian diet can be done but most vegetarian/vegan people I know don't really bother to research, not saying that was your case, some bodies are different and and have different requirements. I tend to have anemy and be low on iron, and turned out that though a carnivore diet would have been a fix it was not the underlying reason it was happening, nor my vegetarian diet to blame. Every body is different.

 3 years ago  

I did try lots different ways to get the most from a vegetarian diet and even started cooking myself, because my mum just gave me what she made minus the meat. Unfortunately, it just turns out I struggle to convert what I need from plants alone. I still love my veggies and vegetarian meals though. Never been good with the meat replacements like Quorn, however, but that could be because they are legume based.