Mindfulness and anxiety reduction - The connection!

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

Mindfulness teaches us how to be focused, how to increase the connection with our inner self, how to be in the present moment, and aware of what's happening around. There are many more things we can talk about mindfulness. Especially if we talk about how it can help us reduce anxiety.



It's easily understandable how mindfulness can help us to deal better with anxiety. But it's not easy enough to practice and incorporate this into our life. But believe if we can make ourselves aware of this we can make our choices in a better way and choose mindfulness.

When you choose to be mindful, you choose to be aware of your inner and outer feeling and emotions. Not only that you can better observe what's happening, what makes you stressed, what can help you to reduce stress. Mindfulness has a wholesome impact. We just have to be aware to practice it in our daily life.

Remember to be focused during your very stressful day. It's not like putting pressure to know's happening but making thyself aware. So that all of a sudden some uncertain stress and unknown anxiety can't affect us. For example, if you are having a bad day in office, try to notice what made you feel bad, how can you overcome that. Don't put yourself too hard but aware of yourself so that you can take action when needed.

Moreover, mindfulness helps us to focus on the present moments. That means it automatically reduces the focus over 'what if' and other unnecessary thoughts pops on our minds. And most importantly, we can choose how to act and respond if we are mindful.

This practice will not give you overnight results. But if we can make sure to include mindfulness in our life we can expect to have less stress and better ability to deal with them.


Thanks for posting!

As someone who is prone to overanalyzing and worrying unnecessarily, mindfulness has always seemed very appealing.

I have had a distant relationship with mindfulness until more recently. It has always been something that sounded great in theory, but continually proved difficult to maintain. Who knew something worth doing could be difficult? (sarcasm) :)

The reason I have been able to become more familiar with mindfulness is actually due to an app that I came across called Balance. (I do not profit, nor am I invested in the company) It is not perfect by any means, but it has been fantastic for learning and helping to build a routine.

I still struggle greatly with being mindful on a regular basis, but I am much better than I was.

Thanks for your comment, it is really great and appreciable

Hey there I totally resonate with what you are saying here. Thanks for keeping us in the zone.

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