NFTEA Gallery updates! Dec 2022

in BitShareslast year


Updates to the NFTEA Gallery & open-source repo!

The NFT.NEXT.JS repo, and my personal website the NFTEA Gallery have been updated this week!

The NFT.NEXT.JS repo an the open source github repository for implementing your own NFT gallery equivalent to the website. It uses evergreen technologies, is regularly maintained by the community and is entirely free and MIT licensed so feel free to launch your own Bitshares based NFT gallery with it!

So, what's changed?

  • Added hive blockchain link to header
  • Update all packages to latest versions
    • Several breaking changes introduced by next.js and mantine ui updating
    • Using Next.js 13 and React 18
  • Replace the state management library with zustand
  • Swap the carousel for mantine ui's carousel on the NFT page
    • The index still uses the old carousel, this may change soon however.
  • Introduced the new asset tags creation time and creation block, these fields were recently introduced in a core Bitshares blockchain update, hence their recent introduction.
  • Replaced Google Analytics for Vercel's analytics
    • No more prompt for google analytics
    • Greater privacy, less google bloatware.
  • Updated links in footer and in the 'other viewers' page.
  • Added support for the Ukrainian locale
  • Slight UX tweaks on the gallery page
  • Moved files around, config files are now in the config folder, scripts in the script folder. This makes it easier for people to find important data/scripts, rather than digging through the output for the script to run.
  • The script for fetching asset JSON has been updated to prompt you for the environment you're going to be using and the elastic search server to download it from. This could further be improved by using BTS nodes instead of elastic search servers, however this is a pre-build step not a client facing task.


So, here's where I announce what's coming next.. any suggestions? 😅

  • When Next.JS 13.5+ comes out utilize turborepo and the new app directory structure. At the moment it's not production ready and could change, so we're holding off implementing it till stable.
  • Improve the index page. At the moment it's very lackluster, uses the old carousel, and has a lot of dead space on larger monitors. The SEO could be improved, must research other galleries index/landing pages for inspiration.
  • Add support for Beet QR codes. Currently we're waiting for the latest Beet PR to be reviewed and merged, then for a new release candidate to be built and released to the public, however once released we should support its new QR code scanning technology for easily purchasing NFTs from the NFTEA Gallery!

Any suggestions or feature requests for this GitHub repo?

Any plans to open your own Bitshares NFT gallery?

Interested in Next.JS, React.JS, etc?

Comment below! :)