Biden Leaves Presidential Race and More

Video Credit- Canadian Prepper, YouTube 2024

Wow, what a rush and what a time to be alive. president Biden has stepped aside, and will not run for the 2024 POTUS election. Biden has endorsed VP Harris, and has not publicly addressed the nation as of yet.

Where is President Biden, and why has he not been more present in his actions? Biden was sick with COVID, and made a phone call to announce his decision yesterday.

This is all mysterious and I am glad he will not be running for many reasons. Biden could not beat hopeful and former POTUS Trump, and it seemed like a potential landslide in the making had they faced off.

Still, questions remain- who can successfully run again Trump? The Democrats are in a pickle, and they need to jump to the job soon.

I'm popping popcorn and am excited to watch what happens next. What is your take?