Wild Water Spinach and Curry Noodles

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago
Harvesting wild veggies then mixing them with noodles is a simple way but delicious thing.


When was the last time you ate instant noodles? To be honest I've never stocked myself with instant noodles again. I know if I make that stock, I will eat that instant noodle more often and it will be very unhealthy for my lifestyle.

But there are times when in the countryside like where I live, we feel very hungry and access to food is quite far. So when we run out of complex food stock, instant noodle is the best option we have.


Well, my mother always has a stock of instant noodles. I know that. Most of the time, I'm not tempted. But when I ran out of other food, I was tempted like this time. LOL.

My fridge is almost empty. There are no other vegetables to mix with instant noodles. In the end, I decided to look for wild veggies on my family's farm behind the house, which I honestly haven't seen much of.

Harvesting Wild Spinach


I thought about wild spinach which is the easiest to find in the field. I wish I could harvest them.



I walked to the field. I found chickens that were breeding well in a lush field.

Then I saw a little wild spinach. It does not matter. The important thing is that I can mix it with instant noodles.



I have difficulty reaching the water spinach that has spread in the middle of the pond. Finally, I took what little I could on the edge of the pond.


The beautiful wildflowers also made me happy this time. Also the sounds of frogs that seemed to want to accompany me.


This is the harvest I got today. I'm grateful that I can still get vegetables during the bad weather here.

Let's cook these wild spinach in the kitchen, with instant noodles. I will give a touch of magic to the simple ingredients I have. Stay tuned.


So, here I will make curry noodles, with coconut milk, and wild spinach. Why do I use coconut milk, even though instant curry seasoning is already available in the noodle packaging? I did that to add a creamy feel to the final taste.


For instant noodles, here I use the “white curry” variant. Although the final result is not white gravy in color, because it uses chili oil. Without chili oil, oh..... no!

Cooking Instructions


First of all, stir-fry the chopped garlic, chopped onion, and chili or paprika. Once fragrant, add wild spinach, or other types of vegetables that you use.


Add a little water, salt, then let it sit for a while, then remove it, and set it aside.


Then, boil the noodles in boiling water for 3 minutes. Set aside.


Prepare all the seasoning in a bowl, then add boiling water, as well as coconut milk. Stir well. You can also boil the gravy on the stove for a while.


After all the ingredients are cooked, it's time to serve the curry noodles with stir-fried veggies. Serve while warm.




My mother really liked the taste of the end result of the combination of wild spinach and curry noodles. My mother ate most of the dish, while I ate only a little. lol.

It's a delicious gravy which is my favorite. And thanks for the coconut milk which makes the taste even richer. :)




How about you guys? Have you ever tried serving instant noodles like my recipe?

I hope you can find what you deserve to find today. Have a great day, good people, HIVE Lovers!

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.

All Pictures Were Taken by iPhone 11.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Make sure you follow her blog as well for some interesting discussions about life other than food.
If you need a copywriter for your projects, Anggrek Lestari will be ready to help you.

Contact Person: [email protected]
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


This veggies is very popular in Vietnam. We call it with name " morning glory", there are many way to cook them, I really like this dish 😊

yep we can cook with many ways :)

Hello dear friend @anggreklestari good day
There is nothing more delicious and healthy when using fresh ingredients from the garden; What a beautiful place you have to get fresh condiments; I appreciate that you shared the preparation
You are admirable in how you present the dishes
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend.

Fresh ingredients are special things like gifts from nature.

I’m glad I found wild veggies :)

Have a great day for you and your family.

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Greetings @anggreklestari , how nice to have a garden and consume fresh produce, the noodles look very rich, thanks for sharing.

Happy and blessed day!

Yeah and those water spinach growing wild :)

what a luxury, water spinach growing wild in the field😍. It cost me £5 for a bunch of water spinach

here grow wild and sell in the market with cheap prices :)

The photos in the backyard remind me of my life in the province. I love Spinach mixed with fish soup. 💗💞

the atmosphere is peaceful ❤️

Like my mother, cooking instant noodles uses lots of vegetables 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻, so that some are healthy even though instant noodles (as we know) are not healthy...

always must be with alots of veggies ehehe

Woww!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable! You really take the instant noodle to the next level! I was thinking if that is a ramen bowl in the restaurant! ;) And you know what! The "from farm to table" model is actually everyone's dream. Good to have super fresh ingredients right at your hand!

I was eating ramen in the restaurant, so I can add that taste into my own kitchen :)

This soup look soooooooo beautiful and delicious! Absolutely love it 💚😋💚

Your veggie is so fresh, it looks so delicious

It's really delicious.. the noodles are appetizing.. if you go to Bandung, there's Merapi noodles with the same toppings as kangkung ...