Sosis Telur Gulung


Hello Everyone
Sosis Telur Gulung is a combination of eggs and sausage fried in coconut oil and then rolled with a wooden skewer so that it becomes a snack food. Sosis Telur Gulung is one of the most preferred foods for many people, especially children. This food is very delicious because it contains fat and protein. This egg sausage is very delicious for a snack to be combined with tomato sauce and mayonnaise.


I'm trying to make these snacks tonight and this is the first one. Before I make it, I prepare several recipes to get perfect results. I chose chicken sausage because beef sausage is not available here. But it does not detract from the delicious taste, even if it is not beef sausage. And I have also prepared some other spices to make it more delicious.
Some of the recipes that I need are:

  • Egg
  • Salt
  • Flavoring
  • Sausage
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Tapioca flour
  • Garlic
  • Pepper powder
  • Water
  • Cooking oil




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How to make

  • Put the chicken eggs in a bowl and then beat them
  • All recipes such as Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Water, Tapioca Flour and Seasoning are mixed with eggs and then beaten again.
  • all the dough is put into a bottle to make it easier when frying
  • Prepare a frying oil pan
  • The sausage is skewered on a stick and then fried in hot oil.
  • Pour a spoonful of egg mixture into a frying oil pan then quickly roll the eggs using sausage.
  • Cooking oil should be hot to make it easier to roll the eggs.
  • Wait for the egg yolk sausage to be yellow then removed and placed on a plate.
  • Sosis Telur Gulung are ready to be served and don't forget to apply sauce and mayonnaise to make it more delicious.



That's how to make Sosis Telur Gulung that is very practical maybe you can try at home. Good luck.

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Instagram .Twitter. Dreamstime Twenty20


This snack look super, I want try this recipe 💞💞💞 looks good also a street food

Thank you so much @noemilunastorta . Good luck friend.

Leumak that kueh uroe raya bos..😃

Meunyo Hawa jak keuno ju.loen kubah keu gata.

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