Why you should start eating before work

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)


Before starting on any work, always make sure to eat.

To be honest, I don’t know if it’s just me or everyone doesn’t feel this way.

But, whenever I have food in my stomach, I tend to do much better at work. Even sometimes I don’t feel hungry while working, but the brain always feels more active.

After all eating, even if it’s junk food like fries or sweets, helps a lot in the work done.

Nowadays, people are always on the go, always busy and always stressed. This is because of the nature of the work we do. We have to put in more time because we’re all under a lot of pressure to deliver which ends up leading to exhaustion.

We only hear about the negative side effects, but no one ever talks about what we can do before work that will make our lives much more manageable.

It’s not all gloom and doom, though. We can actually do something about how we feel and how much stress we feel.

Thinking about it, the biggest culprit is usually not doing anything before work or what we end up doing is just going to sleep.

Eating before working can help you start your day on the right foot and boost productivity across several areas of your life.

It really helps to keep you motivated and focused.

The food you eat before doing any kinds of work will factor in the quality of your work. Whether you’re a student, an employee, or an entrepreneur working on a project, eating meals before doing any kind of work has always been helpful in boosting the quality of work as well as your mood.

I have always noticed that whenever I eat before work, I get less stressed out or tired. This is because I’m not just wasting energy and time just to puzzle over how to prepare for the day’s work.

The brain is responsible for our thoughts, actions, and emotions. It’s like the computer of our body, controlling all its processes. Its main energy source is glucose, or sugar. Like any computer, a person should feed it with sugar from time to time. And it’s better that you get sugar in your body before you start working.

In the early morning hours all of us have neither work tasks nor stressful meetings ahead. We can just sit at a table and eat – break the fast of sleep. What’s more, we are not often late for work in the morning. So we have time to heat the food and restore our strength before starting the day.

If we want to function correctly on a daily basis, we must pay close attention to nutrition. In addition to obtaining the right diet, we must also consider the body’s energy reserves and understand how different factors affect them.

We can immediately observe the connection between our diet and our energy levels. Apart from being able to directly observe it, we can also feel it by running a simple experiment with ourselves.

In this experiment we will have to do something very uncomfortable, but totally worth it: let’s have breakfast only an hour before going to work.

If you just read this paragraph, it means that you didn’t stop reading the article to get some food for the mind. At the beginning, this may seem easy but in the end you will realize that it is very difficult.

After a good breakfast, the whole body is recharged with energy. All of the body systems stop replenishing their resources and start working. The body starts producing hormones that give us energy and make us feel good.

I hope you all would start taking your meal very early before work

Lead Image was captured two days ago when I travelled to Ibadan and I opted for beef peppersoup haha

I first published this on read.cash


Arghh... What can I say?

Far too often, I've come across many contents that speaks about the importance of breaking our fast early in the morning even if we don't have any work to do.

This shows that it is important to eat breakfast but I'm one of those that find it hard to do so.

It's 10 a.m. and I have food but I don't feel like eating 😂. Weird me.

Nice one bro @baned

I think we need to make a law to make people like you eat breakfast.

Well it’s a known fact that rich people don’t like eating hahah

Some don't eat before work because they think it will make them lazy. For me, I enjoy eating before I resume my work. But I don't eat it before leaving, I eat at the office. There is really a strong connection between food and energy, without food, it's hard to carry out task well

Well said my lady.
We all are different and as long as an habit aint affect one negatively, then it’s cool

Very correct. I like that soup in the image though, it would be good for my cold.haha

Haaaa well am a profound victim of this incident... so like me I feel when I eat before working I feel lazy and reluctant to do any activities... but to be honest, I must confess that ever since I start the habit of eating in the morning before any activities I feel more full and strengthen! I have this energy to keep me going before it lapses.... Sometimes when I don't eat at all it makes me so stressed out and my eyes all puffy bad tired looking...

At least am happy I read this and I agree with you!

Read via #dreemport!

Hehe I’m happy you have changed
Your comment made me laugh tho 🤣

Hahaha 😂😂

Yes o laugh out loud because sometimes human being tend to believe in ignorant of their attitude...

It's really funny!

Happy Sunday!

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I am not one to eat before work, generally not a breakfast person so it is pretty impossible.

Hmmmm what kind of work do you do?

I use to work in an administrative role before I quit