
Hey, @bbrewer.

I think it turned out really well. One of the few times I feel it was worth the effort. Definitely need to consider spreading out the work if at all possible. Made for a lot less stress that way.

Sorry to just make you hungry. Unfortunately, it's long gone. :)

Yeah, it did look like a lot of work. Congratulations on it turning out well for you. I like how you guys got all festive and stuff to cook and enjoy the meal too. Shows how much you must have enjoyed your time in Hawaii! :) May you be able to go back soon!

Well, I think I was the most festive, wearing a pretty colorful Hawaiian shirt. The one that screams "tourist"! Everyone but Anna and Trevor wore the T-shirts we bought at the flea market around Aloha Stadium. So, I tried to get it festive, but oh well.

Maybe next time I'll just make it mandatory and see what happens. No one shows up, more food for me! :)

Now, that's a plan where you will either win or win really big! :)