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RE: Handmade Costa Rican tamales - a family activity

in Foodies Bee Hive6 months ago

Oh I never knew you were thinking that way.

Actually one thing I always believed in my comment is to make it brief, short but address the particular aspect of the post I wanted to comment on. Obviously I can't comment about all the aspect of the post so I usually drop brief but targeted aspect of the post I desire to comment on or about.

So that's why most times it look like my comments are generics but it is actually not. There are some post I made long comments on also and some on short comments.

Actually why I also mentioned the supermarket aspect is not because I quickly read the first paragraph but I actually read through all the part of the post.

"I know, you wouldn't usually drive to the supermarket at that time, but the market is something else"

You were talking about supermarket also in this aspect and the area looks like a supermarket and that's why I mentioned it.

I always drop quality comments


Ah, Well, thank you for clearing that up.

Again, thank you for stopping by and commenting on my post.