Make a friendly lunch


Hello my dears💐
I hope you are well 💕

This photo was taken last year in a restaurant that only makes local food in northern Iran;


I had not seen my friends for a long time because of Corona
I insisted that it was time to see each other because I really missed them🥲

This dish was sour chicken with natural pomegranate paste and smoked fish and it was very tasty for me because it tasted sour 😋
I also always order cultivated olives; Even if the food is not delicious, it can be eaten with olives😬

In short, good and delicious food makes us experience all the good feelings, especially if it is with loved ones and family 😊

I hope Corona ends soon so we can hug and kiss those we love without stress 😘




You Really have gifted hands when it comes to making dishes.
nice looking people you have there also.

Hello, thank you for your kindness, dear friend🌺