[Esp/Eng] Arroz con Pollo y Camarones, delicioso / Rice with Chicken and Shrimps, delicious.

Bueno días mis queridos hivers, bienvenidos a un nuevo post, mi receta de hoy es un rico Arroz con Pollo y Camarones ideal para compartir un sabroso almuerzo en familia.

Good morning my dear hivers, welcome to a new post, my recipe today is a delicious **Chicken and Shrimp Rice ** ideal for sharing a tasty lunch with the family.



✓ 500g de arroz
✓ 2 muslos de pollo desmenuzados
✓ 150g de Camarones
✓ 1 cebolla
✓ 1 pimentón
✓ 1 rama de cebollín
✓ 2 dientes de ajo
✓ 1 pastilla de Caldo de pollo
✓ 1 cucharadita de paprika en polvo
✓ 2 cucharadas de embutidos
✓ Aceite
✓ Sal al gusto

✓ 500g of rice
✓ 2 shredded chicken thighs.
✓ 150g of shrimps
✓ 1 onion
✓ 1 bell pepper
✓ 1 sprig of chives
✓ 2 cloves of garlic
✓ 1 chicken bouillon cube
✓ 1 teaspoon of paprika powder
✓ 2 tablespoons of sausages
✓ Oil
✓ Salt to taste




  • En una cacerola con un poquito de aceite precalentado sofríe las verduras picadas en cuadritos por unos minutos, añade los camarones y sigue salteando, luego agrega el pollo, la pastilla de caldo de pollo y la paprika en polvo.
  • In a saucepan with a little preheated oil sauté the diced vegetables for a few minutes, add the shrimp and continue sautéing, then add the chicken, the chicken stock cube and the paprika powder.



  • Revuelve y añade el arroz previamente muy bien lavado, sofríe unos minutos y vierte dos tazas de agua y sal al gusto, remueve e Integra todo, deja cocinar hasta que seque el agua, remueve, tapa y deja cocinar por completo.
  • Stir and add the previously washed rice, sauté for a few minutes and pour two cups of water, stir and integrate everything, let it cook until the water dries, stir, cover and let it cook completely.


  • Sirve y disfruta de este delicioso plato, acompaña si deseás con ensalada, espero les haya gustado amigos.
  • Serve and enjoy this delicious dish, serve with salad if desired, I hope you liked it friends.

Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog, nos vemos pronto, Dios les bendiga grandemente!

Thank you very much for visiting my blog, see you soon, God bless you greatly!


Todas las fotografías son de mi propiedad, captadas con mi léfono móvil Tecno Spark 6 go.
Editadas con inShop.
Traducido con Deepl traductor.

All photos are my own, taken with my Tecno Spark 6 go cell phone.
Edited with inShop.
Translated with Deepl translator.


Ahhhh you making me Hungry...... That looks very delicious. And the way you make up the plate wow. Well done 👏

Thank you very much friend, Greetings!

This is more than delicious 😋 craving for some hehe. Thanks dear for sharing.

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for commenting, greetings!

Yeah 👍
You are welcome 🤗😁

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Really a Yummmi recipe I love rice and shrimps ❤️❤️

I'm glad you like it friend,😊 Greetings!