Loaded Baked potatoes

So my new favorite dish to cook is actually pretty simple. Though I've been wondering why I learned this only now. After going to a local restaurant and feasting on stuffed baked potatoe. I realized I could make it myself, and that's what I've been doing.

I'm staying with my dad in his house in Puerto Rico. Unfortunately it doesn't have an over, but he has an air fryer.

So the first thing I did was poke holes into the potatoes, and cook them in the microwave for two minutes. After which I coated the potatoes in olive oil. Then sprinkled salt, black pepper, and sazon seasoning over the outside skin. After which I baked them at 390° for 40 minutes.

Once the baking was done. I cut them half, and mashed the inside of the potato with a fork. Then added some garlic butter.

I then layered the American cheese, ham, and salami. The difference between ham and salami made in Puerto Rico, and the kind you buy in the States surprised me. So good.

Finally I added shredded cheddar to the top, and baked it for another five minutes in the fryer at the same temp.

It's the second time I've made this dish, and still it surprises how good those meats taste. Even better when I can squeeze a orange picked right from our back yard, and mix it with a glass of passion fruit juice.

It was simply delicious, and I might've bragged a little to my friends. So worth the taunts received.

I took the photos used in this blog myself with my one plus 7 pro


Hi @dreamingirwin

This recipe looks super tasty and easy to make. It would be great if you put down the quantities of the ingredients and how many servings you got, you know, so readers have a better idea of ​​how to make your recipe.


I appreciate the !LUV. I considered that adding measurements but here at my dad's I was doing the best with what I had. Yet what's nice about this meal is that you make the person makes it how they like it. The ingredients can be scaled to their looking, and it's really hard to get a result you doing like, unless you over or under cook it.


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Looks so delicious! Haven't tried a baked potato yet, and I want to experience it now. Sad we don't have oven, even an air fryer 🤧

That's interesting. I never considered ovens to be a luxury. Yet my dad's house was built by my grandfather and he never put an oven in. Your comment has me sitting here wondering an easy way to create one. The basic concept would be to trap in the heat long enough to bake the potato. Depending on the up you'd probably have to wrap the potato in aluminum and keep turning it.

This looks so good. I would love to try it, maybe in a different way because the ingredients are not readily available for me over here.

Sure looks nice and simple. Thanks for sharing

Well if you like pork, I mean any version of it would be tasty, and any cheese that melts nicely.

Looks good I bet it's a quite cool recipe 😁🤤

It's definitely unique to me, yet it seems to be on the same level as a potato