Spicy Chicken Nuggets


Chicken nuggets are foods that are usually sold in packaged form (just fry). Very practical food. Liked by children. The taste is good. Easy to eat, easier than fried chicken in general, because chicken nuggets are boneless.

Chicken nugget adalah makanan yang biasa dijual dalam bentuk kemasan (tinggal goreng). Makanan yang praktis sekali. Disukai oleh anak-anak. Rasanya enak. Memakannya mudah, lebih mudah dari ayam goreng pada umumnya, karena chicken nugget tidak bertulang.

A few days ago, I made Spicy Chicken Nuggets, chicken nuggets that I fried and I mixed with the sauce I made.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku membuat Chicken Nugget Pedas, chicken nugget yang kugoreng lalu kucampur dengan saus yang kubuat.




• 16 pieces of chicken nuggets
• 3 cloves of garlic
• 4 pieces of red chili
• Cooking oil
• Chili paste
• Salt
• Pepper powder
• Chili sauce (I used extra spicy, it's up to you the spicy level)
• Enough water

• 16 buah chicken nugget
• 3 siung bawang putih
• 4 buah cabai merah
• Minyak goreng
• Pasta cabai
• Garam
• Lada bubuk
• Saus sambal (Aku menggunakan extra pedas, terserah untuk kalian level pedasnya)
• Secukupnya air



• Fry the chicken nuggets with cooking oil. Lift and drain.

Goreng chicken nugget-nya dengan minyak goreng. Angkat dan tiriskan.


• Saute 3 cloves of garlic that have been sliced ​​in cooking oil.

Tumis 3 siung bawang putih yang telah diiris-iris dengan minyak goreng.


• Add 4 pieces of red chili that have been sliced. Stir.

Tambahkan 4 buah cabai merah yang telah diiris-iris. Aduk.


• Add chili paste. Stir.

Tambahkan pasta cabai. Aduk.


• Add salt and pepper powder. Stir.

Tambahkan garam dan lada bubuk. Aduk.


• Add chili sauce. Stir.

Tambahkan saus sambal. Aduk.


• Add enough water. Stir.

Tambahkan secukupnya air. Aduk.


• Enter the fried chicken nuggets. Stir.

Masukkan chicken nugget yang sudah digoreng. Aduk.




About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. I also watch many movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

Yummy nuggets 😋

Thank you so much 🙏🏻


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Those nuggets look very tasty. I will likely try something similar soon. Garlic and chilli sauce makes everything taste better :P.

I would add some ginger ,paprika and garam masala to this recipe for even more flavour :D.