in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Growing up I can remember my mom making lunches in the early morning for my entire family, which numbered 8, which included my dad. We all had our own unique lunch pail as we called it then, each sandwich was made to order. My favorite was egg salad. The little kids had peanut butter and jelly or honey, my sister Crissy was the only one that opted for honey. My brothers went for the salami, baloney or liverwurst, some with cheese, some without. But my dad was a steady customer of ham and swiss cheese with mustard. .

So In fond memory of my father, I give you," DAD'S DELIGHT ", ham and cheese with mustard.


Now this is a jazzed up version, to create some interest, I mean who wants a plain ole ham and cheese, right? Well, I have to tell you, my dad liked routine . Wore the same type of work pants for 50 years, always bought the best boots, "Your feet are so important", he would say, "gotta have a good fit". "Time is money"," good boots can keep you going." He was so right. That man worked from dawn to dark, and then some. He started his own paving business at the age of 19. He partnered with his future brother-in-law and built a million dollar business. By the time he was 32, he and mom started traveling, leaving his children in the care of his mother. Oh ,they wouldn't be gone long, but looking back, he did it the best. Gone for just a few weeks here and there, but always 1st class. He wanted to treat my mom like the queen she was.

Within a ten year period of time they had traveled all over the world. As a child, I thought it was great because my grandma would bake the best deserts you have ever tasted. Everything she made was from scratch, real butter, pure flour and lots of love.

Here's how I took an oldie but a goody and made it my own.

Adding some red peppers ,shallots, basil, pesto, sweet honey mustard and tomatoes to that honey ham and swiss cheese 🧀 , Oh So Good.


Using a Sara Lee "Artesano" bakery bun, with no artificial colors, flavors, or high fructose corn syrup, I felt confident this would be a great sandwich to build.


Yes, I am going for the grilling, panini style. I just love the melted cheese and the crunch when I take that first bite.

Let's build my"Dad's Delight"


Since I am the paver , the constructioneer, I will leave you all drooling, at least I hope so.


Time to grill...


Sorry for the blurry photo, but it was time to eat and I couldn't control myself, this sandwich was going to blow me away, I just could not stop the gastronomical response.


A big thank you to @mondoshawan for keeping the party going.

To all you #foodies out there, join the party.

Sending hugs and napkins, you are gonna need them for my "best bite of the month.


This was so delicious looking!!! I love that your mom made sandwiches for everyone like that. My mom did too. There were 11 of us, 10 if you don't count my mother. She never complained and she just knew what everyone loved.

I am glad to hear your mom went everywhere! How cool! My mom did too but, she was closer to 36!!!

That’s so cool. I so appreciate big families. God bless y’all. Does my heart good to know that someone else knows the beauty of big families. I had it good .
So nice to hear from you.

Always good to hear from you!

Hello @farm-mom I love all the ingredients that were chosen to make this sandwich so delicious looking. And it looks healthy too.

Good luck in the contest.

Hello, good morning @justclickindiva. So glad you liked my sandwich, I always pile on the veggies when I make even a simple sandwich, of course, NOT on the peanut butter and jellies. 😁
Nice of you to stop by, have a wonderful day!

That looks sooooo goooood! I am up early and I'm now hungry at 3:30AM.....sigh.....

My dad was the same, had the same lunch every day that my mom made. Black lunch box with the thermos holder top. Thermos had coffee. I still have the little plastic pie slice holders he used. And several of his thermoses. I can't remember all that went into his lunch but the bread was always Cushman's whole wheat. He was the only one who ate that. Maybe a donut.

There were 8 of us also, including parents.

Anyways, loved the post!

Good morning my friend, I loved growing up in a big family. My mom and dad really had a good thing going on. They were married for 55 years and raised a bunch of pretty good kids.
Funny you mentioned the black lunch box with the coffee in the thermos. That was exactly what my mom put in dad's box. I guess it was the times.
Thanks as always for your nice comment, I always enjoy them.
Have a perfect day @goldenoakfarm😉

I love Hot Sandwiches... and that one would be right on my top list! Thanks Farm Mom, it is always a pleasure to see your yummy entries. Good Luck my friend!

My Mom made sandwiches for everyone too, including my Dad!
No one gets to buy food, hehehe. (Nah, I'm just kidding)
Moms make the best tasting sandwiches in the world, don't you agree?

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Sandwich looks delicious. Your father would be proud of how special you made his favorite sandwich look.🌺

Hi there @redheadpei, that sandwich was the bomb, really, not bragging🤷‍♀️😉.
My dad was the best, I still miss him, some 14 years later. Talk about someone who loved routine, that was him. I was a lucky little girl to have such wonderful parents.
Hope you are well and happy.

Been way too busy with #silverbloggers and missed this awesomeness!
Sending a tip as I'm too late to upvote ;)

C'mon @lizelle, don't be slipping on me girl, I know you are just sitting around eating bon-bons (chocolate.)😋
Thanks for the generous tip my friend.