Agar Agar Coconut Cream In Papaya Bowl As Dessert For Watching Badminton Match Semifinal With Family

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago


Hello my dear friends. Since yesterday we had a Thomas cup match, i dont have time to make a post. Its just so crazy because i was so excited about it. By the way, our team successfully reach the final tomorrow with India as the rival. For such a exciting day like Thomas Cup matches, i want to make some snacks to be enjoyed for me and my family. I dont know what to make and since this is a last minute decision, i just want to use the ingredients i already have in my house. Its easier and most importantly, its saving me the cost for ingredients. Since the ingredients were limited, its also hard for me to decide what to make. For sure, the snacks that i want to make is a sweet snacks. So, when i found an agar agar in my cabinet, I know immediately what i want to make. Its a very simple sweets that my mom used to make for us when we were young. The reason why my mom can easily make this for us is because the ingredients is not a lot and its not expensive either, so its very affordable and accessible for us. Thankfully, even if we were not in the condition where we can have fancy food, i am grateful that there were many things we can make to make our situation sweeter.


This is a papaya. I cut the whole papaya into two section. After cut the middle to two, i clean up the center of it. The reason why i clean them because i want to make this papaya to be a cup for the agar agar. This is something that my mom used to make for us when we were young, so when i have the chance i really want to recreate it.


This is also the main ingredient of this dessert i want to make which is the agar agar and sugar. For the whole papaya, one pack of agar agar is enough. For the sugar, i will not use a lot of them because i want to take the sweetness of the papaya more than the sweetness from sugar.


Agar agar is not enough, this is coconut cream. I dont even know what is the exact english word for it but this is something that we got from crating the inside of coconut and then squeeze then till the liquid like cream came out. I use this to make the taste of agar agar more bland yet rich. I dont even know how to explain it but if you guys have the chance to try it, you will understand.


I cook the coconut cream with agar agar and some sugar. We dont have to cook it for long. Only 5 minutes is enough till make them boiled.


I put the coconut cream mixed with agar agar into the papaya bowl i made before, and then i just have to put them in refrigerator till its harden.


This is the end. I put them in refrigerator for one hour to make sure its cold and taste fresh. It taste sooo good.


interesting and easy recipe. Might give it a go. thanks for sharing!

Thank youu

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