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RE: In The Kitchen With Kat-Cereal Milk Infused Cupcakes

finest chemical fruit smell ever concocted

That makes me laugh hard because it's true. You really could make a fortune with those. Marketed to the stoner crowds in the pot shops you would be baking them forever.
I'm always taking mental notes from your baking posts and the wrap it in plastic wrap and set it in cupboard overnight trick makes perfect sense and I hadn't thought of it. Baking is less of a summer time thing for us as it heats the house up so much but now it is where I can start again. I need to make a batch of zuchini bread, pumpkin bread, and an apple bake now that our apples are about ready.


Having a bake shop next to a dispensary would be a guaranteed winner lol, I'd never get to sit down!

It sounds like you are going to be really busy with harvest baking projects, not that you aren't slightly busy already😉 I keep watching my ever orangeing (that's totally a word) pumpkins with anticipation as I adore that first bite of pumpkin bread for the season. Hmm...after reading about all of that yumminess that you are going to be crafting, I find I am rather hungry for some non chemical fruit smell delicacies....