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RE: Grandpa Gotta Cook: Hawaiian Shrimp Truck Lunch Plate

Hey, @jasonbu.

re: sketchy

Yeah. :) It's my favorite photo. The front end sits next to a tree with a big sign covering most of one side, then there's the window you order from. I think you can judge a place by how it looks in the back, or the alley in most cases. However, in this case, I don't think that's true, as the food was actually quite good there.

re: theme night

It kind of just happened. The prep work was a little more than I like to get myself into, but spreading it out helped quite a bit so I didn't feel rushed when it came time to actually do some cooking.

It did taste very good. I'll need to make that coleslaw again for some other occasion that might call for it, though, because for me, it stole the show.

re: great post

Well, I appreciate that. I try to have a little fun with the food posts, mostly at my expense. This time around, it was a little more instructive. Didn't really have any mishaps, though. :)

re: next theme night

Not sure. Did hamburgers on Saturday, and typically my wife makes Mexican food on Sundays, so I'll have to come up with something, I guess. I really like Italian, but we have that fairly regularly too in some form or another. What I probably should do is make some kind of Southern food, since the daughter-in-law is from West Virginia.