Pastry cream, the superstar of the most delicious desserts | Recipe

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago


Who doesn't want a delicious mid-afternoon dessert?

Well, today we are going to learn how to prepare a pastry cream that is the mother of many sweet delicacies.

The pastry cream is the queen par excellence in the pastry making, the unfailing ally in the elaboration of many desserts and cakes. Pastry cream is basically a creamy custard made from eggs, milk, cornstarch and of course sugar.

The pastry cream is usually used to fill cakes, tarts, pies, profiteroles, bernilesas, cannolis, there are many options. The good news is that it is super simple and easy to prepare.

Before detailing the ingredients, it is important to know the necessary proportions for the correct preparation of a good pastry cream. In this sense, we must take into consideration the following:

  • For each egg yolk, 100 ml. of milk are needed.
  • For each egg yolk, 10 grs. of cornstarch are needed.
  • For each 100 ml. of milk, 25 grs. of sugar are needed


  • 400 ml of milk
  • 100 grs of sugar
  • 40 grs of cornstarch
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • A pinch of salt
  • Preparation:

    We will start by beating and integrating the egg yolks well. Once this is done, we add the cornstarch and beat it enough until it integrates into the mixture.

    To continue, we pour the milk, vainilla and sugar into a saucepan and take it to the medium heat until the sugar dissolves. It is important to keep the milk from boiling, it just needs to be warm.

    Gradually pour about half of the hot milk into the egg and cornstarch mixture, while constantly beating to temper the mixture. When the eggs have tempered, add this mixture again to the hot milk in the saucepan and take it back to the heat.

    Cook over medium heat, while vigorously beating the mixture until it starts to thicken. At this point you can add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavors of the preparation.

    Without stopping beating at any time, remove the custard from the heat when it has thickened and has the ideal consistency.

    Pour the pastry cream into a bowl and cover it with cling film, making sure the plastic wrap is touching all the cream. This is to prevent a crust from forming on top.

    Finally, let the pastry cream cool down to room temperature and then refrigerate it in the refrigerator until it is completely cold and you will be using it in the preparation of your favorite desserts.

    Delicious !

    All the images in this publication are my own, captured with the lens of an Apple iPhone 7.


    Un día de estos te voy a mutear para no ver este tipo de publicaciones, ¿por qué me tienes que hacer este bullying, ah? Me caes mal. Me voy a poner a llorar.

    Me debía cobrar lo de las donas de estos días, me habías dejado salivando. Es justicia.

    ¡Que mala eres! Ni quisiste que supiera el secreto en español...(Crying..!)

    El secreto está en hacerlo con amor y muchas ganas de comer dulce jajaja
    Saludos mi estimado.

    Just came by to tell you about our new contest in the terminal maybe you didn’t hear from it , I will leave you a link and hope that you will enter and submit a great blog or recipe.

    Oh thank you very much, I will try to participate in the contest with a new recipe.

    Este post es puro masoquismo y maldad, Q-Q me dió hambre solo ver la portada, definitivamente voy a intentar hacerlo... si consigo los ingredientes >w<

    No son muchos ingredientes, y de verdad, es super fácil de preparar...deliciosa.

    Esa crema pastelera se ve demasiado buena dios mío jajaja me fascinó cómo estructuraste el post, siempre haces un trabajo impecable Gora, este me fascinó y vas a tener que invitarme a comer una de estas bombas jajaja

    Chamo el antojo que tenía de comer bombas no era normal, así que ni modo, ¿cuál dieta? jajaja
    Pronto te explico como hacer esas bombas, son super sencillas. Gracias Ilaz.

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