Summer's Strange Kitchen - Crepe Style Butternut Pancakes

Greetings and happy Thursday!

I absolutely adore butternut! There are just so many ways to prepare and enjoy it. These pancakes have become a favourite in my house, we actually prefer them over the classic recipe. The squash adds a lovely almost caramel like flavour if you add some vanilla for sweet pancakes, or if you prefer to leave it out for the savory version, pairs well with pretty much anything. Another perk is that it lowers the calories per pancake quite significantly, which is good for me because I tend to always have more pancakes than I should. Guess we all have our weaknesses.

Here is the recipe:

Note - This is a large batch, about 25 - 30 pancakes

1 Large Butternut (about 2 cups worth once cooked and processed)
3 Cups Flour
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1 Heaped Teaspoon Baking Powder
2 Eggs
3 Cups Milk
4 Tablespoons Melted Butter
2 Cups Water

For sweet pancakes add:
2 Tablespoons Honey/Sugar
1 Tablespoon Vanilla

First, boil (I want to attempt to roast them next time) the butternut, once cooked and cooled, use stick blender or food processor to blend to smooth paste.

In large bowl whisk together flour, salt, baking powder

Add to butternut paste. Do not mix yet.

Add eggs on top of flour.

Next add milk and water.

Lastly, add the vanilla, melted butter and honey/sugar

Whisk to combine then leave for at least 1 hour or overnight. It is a bit of an annoying extra step but well worth it!

Bake in a very hot heavy pan that has been lightly brushed with oil, flip once top is set and edges come away from the pan.

Serve with preferred topping, I like to go traditional with a little bit of cinnamon sugar sprinkled over when having sweet pancakes but the options really are endless.

Well that's it...I could seriously go for a pancake right now, too bad these photos are from a few weeks ago. Time to go look for a snack!

Till next time!

Credit - All photos are my own
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Butternut is one of my fav too. I often use it for the fluffy pancakes, didn't try to make crepes with them yet. Looks delish! :)

It is really good! Haven't tried it in the fluffy pancakes yet, will definitely give it a go, the fluffy ones are my favourite. 😁

hmmm that looks good

😁😁Thank you, have an awesome day


I should try this some time!

Do it!! 😁 🥳


These look great! Makes me actually want to try stuff in the kitchen. If I had a proper kitchen! Now I'm hungry.

😅😂Come visit, we can have pancakes and coffee 😜

yummy , great recipe !

Thank you! 😁

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