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RE: Meatless spaghetti

I never learned cooking when I was young. Our father is the main cook in our house.

Same actually. Whenever they cook, we just help. I think they always rush or too focused on doing that to the point we never really learned anything. I'm an adult now and still don't know how to cook some of the recipes and I'm struggling to learn especially I didn't develop the habit of cooking. It's very important for parents to actually be involved in parenting and not just provide for the kids. I have a lot of resentment to my parents because of this.

You did well! I haven't tasted spaghetti with cabbage 🤔 But it probably adds an interesting texture to the spaghetti yeah? I also put condensed milk or cream in my spaghetti too haha and they're good. Foreigners have this joke about how weird Filipinos make their spaghetti cos we put sugar (or anything sweet) in it hahah


Oh yes, I love sweetened spaghetti and I don't much spaghetti which is salty hehehe. Hmmm cabbage in spaghetti sounds weird but i like having something crispy in spaghetti hehehe... peru if na overcooked parang wala na ring cabbage kasi i sliced it thinly.