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RE: When Life Hands you Leftover Chicken - MAKE CURRY CHICKEN SALAD for | Week 1: (SPI Giveway) September NO-BUY MONTH Challenge - Saturday Savers Club

in Foodies Bee Hive β€’ 3 years ago

Thank you @justclickindiva, it is great to see that you're are always so involved here!

We hope you're having a nice weekend! See you soon. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

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Hello @hivebuzz. Thank you for your nice words. The fact that I decided to join a reputable voting trail is the reason I can now reach more people than I otherwise wouldn't have time for. I make sure to return to visit some of the posts that the trail has voted on to make sure they meet my quality content criteria. I wish I had time to spend to visit all of them. There are just so many awesome content creators on Hive.

I appreciate your support. Take care.