Robamee Kopi Tiam. A Bowl Of Chicken Noodle Soup Drives Me Crazy

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- From feeling down to heart.-

Hello everyone,
How are you all? I hope you are in good health and in good mood and health. That's the most important thing in life, right? yes besides a lot of money of course LOL.

Like the sentence above, from the taste down to the heart, that's what happens if you have something special related to food that tastes good. Isn't taste more important than everything? That's the story this time. I found a delicious dish and I came back again and again to try it again and again.


In life, we often like or are comfortable with everything, what is it called a comfort zone? Yes, I find comfort in the taste of chicken noodles. Doesn't chicken noodle taste the same everywhere? No, I think there are many different things about this food.

It is called chicken noodle, because it uses broth from chicken that has been boiled for a long time, this is what determines whether a broth is delicious or not. It's a long process but this is the deciding factor. The chicken noodles here are like noodles that are flat and flat, then curly. In my opinion, the curlier a noodle is, the better it tastes.

I found comfort eating chicken noodles in a small restaurant on a street some distance from my house. In fact, I was willing to reach it even though it was jammed on the road and driving for so long. At one point, I've been here more than 3 times. I think the experience of eating chicken noodles here is very enjoyable.




Not from ordinary chicken, but native chicken which is famous for its juicy meat. Free-range chicken, which is even more expensive than commercially raised chicken, is really very different in type and taste. The texture of the bones is harder than other commercial chickens, this is because their life is longer and the bones are harder.

Robamee has a lot of Chinese food on the menu, but I'm most interested in two things, namely chicken noodles and Malaysian style Teh Tarik. Yes, you know this drink is an interesting drink in terms of taste, but it turns out the ingredients to make it are not that difficult. It's just that you have to have the ability to shake very well.



This chicken noodle soup looks very simple, there is one bowl of noodles (dominant), then there is green mustard greens and there is also shredded chicken, then there is a bowl of soup with pieces of celery and it is a little fatty because it is chicken broth that is cooked very well. long. One cup contains finely ground chilies for extra heat (I admit it's very spicy if you add all the sauce).

There are other condiments such as wonton crackers and chili powder, I don't know what function they serve but they all come together into one very delicious and authentic taste. The chicken noodles here are a must try for everyone who likes chicken noodles. I think, even though the price is a little more expensive compared to other chicken noodles, you can get true enjoyment from chicken noodles.

another menu that i loved this, Fried Kwetiaw.


Let me clarify that the drink I ordered is tea tart (drawn very long), the process may be very short but it is really very delicious. I like it because the taste is not too thick from condensed milk, not too sweet, with super lots and lots of ice cubes. So when you slurp it using a pipette, you get the freshness. Almost like Thai chatramue tea, right?



It seems like the tea they use is of high quality and you can see that from the aroma when you swallow it. I like tea like this, but it's quite high in carbs but it's okay once in a while.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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Thankyou 😍

If a place has good food it is definitely worth trying again and again. It's not very common here for a restaurant to serve chicken broth, but it seems very famous around here. Interesting 😃.

Feel like joining you bro.
They food make me salivate. Enjoy your day man.

Thanks man 👍