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RE: Grandpa Gotta Cook: Hawaiian Shrimp Truck Lunch Plate

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

Howdy today sir Glen! I forgot that you are off on Sundays, I should have made more of an effort to reply last night. I did think about it, does that count? lol.

Yes, Mrs. J. took an axe to my steemit/hive hobby. She said 2 years of spending all my time here with nothing to show for enough. So I'm basically out, I'll just try and keep in touch and support people as much as I can on a very limited daily basis.


Hey, @janton.

re: more of an effort

No worries, certainly on my account. I find myself wondering why I didn't do more on a regular basis, especially on a Saturday night, knowing I won't be back at it until Monday. Whatever. As much as I would like to say that all of this is ultimately going to matter, all work and no play (or rest) isn't the best of recipes. I've been told that while preparing for the future is important, the present still must be lived in. :)

re: Mrs. J.

I'm really sorry to hear this. You had hinted at it in some conversations we've had that something like that might happen, but it didn't sound so imminent, and, I figured my wife would put her foot down before yours did.

re: nothing to show

That is so subjective, I don't know where to begin with it. If all this will ultimately be is a money making venture within the shortest amount of time possible, then, I guess that makes it an abject failure for most of us. If it's a means by which we build for said future, then there's plenty left to be done.

Whether or not one needs to devote all their time or most of their time to it, maybe not, but certainly some hours a day will be well worth it at whatever point HIVE value manages to jump up above a $1 and stay there.

It honestly takes at least two years in any worthwhile endeavor to get lay a foundation, to get the ball rolling, and more like up to five years before things become consistent and you can see whether or not things are going to be worth it or not.

There are plenty of things I've started that I knew in a shorter timeframe wasn't going to work, but when you can see the rewards coming in, no matter how small, on a regular basis, you know this isn't like anyplace else, even with all of its flaws and outsized personalities.

So, I wish there was a way to help you out here, but I'm assuming you're okay with the curtailing, even if it is mostly keeping the peace, since I don't believe time here is worth ruining your relationship with your wife over, or, for that matter, putting a small dent in it.

I do still hope to see you around here and there.

Howdy today sir Glen! Yes, it's been painful to step back from being on here but I hope to keep involved, at least keep in touch. lol. Maybe I can spend more time here the higher the price goes!