Super Soft and Fluffy Bomboloni Donut Snack Idea

Hello. Snack friends, today I will share a recipe for super soft Bomboloni donuts and also Fluffy. how to make it is also simple with a small capital. so, for those of you who want to start a snack business, this recipe will help you make an attractive menu for your sales. So, enjoy watching, don't forget to subscribe, like and share.

Recipe ingredients:

25 tablespoons of high pro wheat flour
2 tablespoons of powdered milk
3 tablespoons of granulated sugar
half a teaspoon of yeast
1 egg yolk
150/200 ml of liquid milk
2 tablespoons of margarine
half a teaspoon of salt
powdered sugar to taste
chocolate glaze for the bomboloni filling
the oil for frying


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This looks delicious 😋. When did you start cooking?

Almost everyday brother 👌