El misterio de lo simple


Good afternoon Hivers. Today in this community in contaste growth I join once again to share another recipe; as usual my favorite ones are the simple and quick ones.

This one I'm sharing can be made for a light stocking, really for any part of the day hahahahaha for me, meals have no timetable (hands up those of us who eat fruit at night) and an extra is that it is made with only three ingredients.

Buenas tardes Hivers. Hoy en esta comunidad en contaste crecimiento me uno una vez mas para compartir otra receta; como es de costumbre las predilectas son las sencillas y rápidas.

Esta que comparto la podemos hacer para un medias nueve liviano, realmente para cualquier parte del día jajajjaja para mi, las comidas no tienen horarios (manos arriba los que comemos fruta en la noche) y un extra es que se hace con solo tres ingredientes.


bunch of mushrooms (use 5)
Bunch of broccoli heads (5)
1/3 carrot

manojo de champiñones (use 5)
Manojo de cabezas de brocoli (5)
1/3 de zanahoria









First I make sure that the mushrooms are as clean as possible. With the broccoli, I check each one thoroughly for worms or eggs and then dip it in vinegar. I peel the carrots and cut them into long strips (all the organic residues that came out of this preparation I took to the compost as you can see in the picture).

Primero me aseguro que los champiñones queden lo mas limpios posible. Con el brócoli procuro revisar uno por uno minuciosamente, examinando si hay gusanos o huevos y posteriormente lo sumerjo en vinagre. La zanahoria la pele y la partí en tiras largas (todos los residuos orgánicos que salieron de esta preparación los lleve al compostaje como pueden ver en la imagen)










First place the broccoli in the pan without any water or oil. After a few minutes add the carrots and finally the mushrooms. As a final touch add salt, black sauce, cumin powder and some sesame seeds.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Primero coloque el brócoli en la sartén sin nada. ni agua, ni aceite. Después de unos minutos coloque la zanahoria y por ultimo los champiñones. Como toque final le agregue sal, salsa negra, comino en polvo y un poco de ajonjolí.


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#Foodiesbeehive #Foodies #Recipe #Gems #Ocd #Handshake #Spanish #Lunch #Foodie #Vegetarian #Food


Those look delicious and perfect combination. I like munching on broccolis and carrots :D

Broccoli, broccoli and more broccoli😄, not to mention how delicious "baby" carrots are!

Lol! Baby or not, they are delicious to munch on :D

This look delicious and well cooked. Not much ingredients or hustle - Gotta try it someday.

That's right @idksamad78699 . Without a lot of ingredients or hustle and bustle. I hope that when you prepare it you will be delighted with the combination of flavors!

Zanahorias, champiñones y brócoli 🤤 nada podría salir mal! Simple, rico y liviano. 😊🙌🏼

¡No hay mejor descripción! jajaja

Simple but looks really good though…
I’m here for it! 😋🍽

oops is no longer here! hahaha