in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Greetings to all my dear hive community, first of all, how are you, I hope everything is fine for you, everything is going well for me.Last night, I went out with a friend of mine to go fishing in the Bosphorus. It was a very enjoyable day for me and my friend. I can say that we got rid of the bad energy on us a little bit. Fishing is a little bit of patience, but it's been fun.


Fortunately, the weather was beautiful. We tried a lot, but in the end we caught some fish. It was a different experience for me because I had never been fishing before. Fishing has always been my dream, and my friend was instrumental.


We left in the morning and our luck went well in the afternoon. The pearl of the throat, the bluefish, was very abundant, we caught a few, it was good, we also caught garfish and there will be a feast at home in the evening. Thank you for taking the time to read for me.


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