[ENG-ESP] Potatoes stuffed with ground beef and cheese🥔😋👍 Papas rellenas de carne molida y queso 🥔😋👍

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Good morning friends!!!

Buenos días amigos!!!

Yesterday my cousins ​​visited me, they are studying at the university and they told me that how they should dedicate a lot of time to their studies they should cook meals, easy and practical, that they can keep in the fridge for some time and also that they can cook quickly, At that time, I went back to my student days, and I remembered that I loved a dish that was easy, cheap, practical and also tasty, I mean "potatoes stuffed with ground beef and cheese."

Ayer me visitaron mis primas, ellas estudian en la universidad y me contaban que como deben dedicar, mucho tiempo a sus estudios deben cocinar comidas , fáciles y prácticas, que puedan guardar en la nevera por algún tiempo y además, que se pueda cocinar rápidamente, en ese momento, me remonte a mi época estudiantil, y recordé que amaba un platillo que era fácil, económico, práctico y además sabroso, me refiero a las “ papas rellenas de carne molida y queso “.

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Food look's delicious thanks for sharing I'm definitely going to try this out 👍🏾

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

No problems my friend 🤝 I did have a go at it they didn't come out the best thanks again for sharing 👍🏾

looks delicious :D i love anything with potatoes, thank you for sharing!

Gracias por tan detallada explicación.El paso a paso está excelente. Se ven muy sabrosas y fáciles de hacer

Unmm delicioso...
Mis favoritas 😁