Enjoying Laksa and Sushi at a food alley

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago (edited)

Gohan signage
Gohan shop
A view of the alley
Cali Mango sushi
Sushi with wasabi and soy sauce
Cali Mango Sushi

It was not our intention to eat at this food alley. I want to call it that. If there is a food court, then there's a food alley. This is actually part of one of the university's parking lot but at the end of lot are shops which included most food shops and a bank. As we were existing, we noticed a shop with boxes of food and other stuff displayed outside the shop and everything were on sale. We just couldn't resist. I mean, who doesn't like markdown products? Once we were done with shopping, we noticed at the end of the alley tables and chairs with some customers dining.

We were supposed to eat at another cafe but when we saw a tiny Japanese shop, we decided to eat there instead.

I was craving for ramen but unfortunately, it was not available at Gohan. The shop next to it is offering Laksa so we ended up ordering for those. I have to go back to Gohan and decided on sushi. I asked one of the staff if what is the bestseller. It's what I always ask if I'm not sure about the place. It can go either way though. However, at the end of the day, it still up to you if you enjoyed the food or not.

The staff said everything is bestseller (of course, I would have said the same thing, too). Luckily, Cali Mango Sushi is buy one, take one at that time so I gave in to that.

I like the vibe that this place gives. It's a good find. It is at the city center but it is in a quiet place almost secluded. You can hear the noise of the city but it gives an oasis. The red lanterns, the lattice doors of the shops, the color of the tables and chairs, the dark paint of the building across the shops were giving me a Japanese vibe.

I like finding places like this. This is a small touristy city and businesses try to make every space available profitable where everyone can benefit at least.

We were told by the girl at the Laksa shop that our order will take 10-15 minutes. However, it arrived just a few minutes later after the sushi which we were delighted by because we didn't have to wait that long and we can eat the sushi with the laksa.

The sushi arrived and it was cold, colder than I expected it to be. First bite got my sensitive teeth acting up a bit. I was surprised though by the wasabi. So far, the wasabi that I have tasted did not pack as much than what this wasabi did so I was taken by surprise. I thought it was like the previous ones that I have tasted so I took more than I should and placed it on a sushi before eating it. Good thing the effect passed quickly. It was a good sushi. Nothing to complain about. The soy sauce that comes with it was too salty though so I only dipped a few of the sushi that I have eaten. I'd rather go for spicy than salty.

The laksa was served in a bowl and it is packed with lots of noodles. It could be shared for people with small appetites. If I am not that hungry, I wouldn't be able to finish it. It does look good in appearance. It's more golden in color than those that we order online. It does have other ingredients like tofu, a spoonful or two of shredded chicken, fishballs, bok choy and other spices. The saltiness is controlled as well which is good but the creaminess of the soup may make you tire of it. Comparing to the laksa that we order from another shop, I find this one lacks the ingredients that I got used to, more seafood and more flavorful.

Would I recommend the place? Yes, I still will but just like with other shops, one should manage their expectations. All the food are good on their own without having to compare to others. The price is right, affordable and sensible. The serving portion is of a good sizable amount too. The staff are attentive and welcoming. The service is fast enough. The place adds plus points.

I'm going back there for sure and try the other food on the menu.

#photography #BaguioCity #WhereToGoInBaguio #WhereToEatInBaguio

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


I love sushi, and these look good, at least from your photos.
I've never eaten laksa. They don't serve it here in Japanese food places. I would love to try it.
The photos are gorgeous as always. I love the atmosphere those Japanese lanterns give.

I think laksa is more of Singaporean or Malaysian. I'm not sure if Japanese cuisine has a counterpart.

The sushi are good indeed :)

I agree. These lanterns alone give that kind of vibe.

Singaporean or Malaysian, hm? I will look for a laksa recipe since I've never heard of it before.

I only came to know about it recently as well if it was not recommended by a friend.

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That was quick! Thanks so much ecency!

This meals looks really delicious but it's so sad one of the was salty and the other was spicy. But like you said, I will always prefer spicy to salty.

The place looks really quiet and cool. It's so good that it was a manageable place and you enjoyed yourself.

But I'm sure you would have really enjoyed the ramen more.

Have a fabulous day @leeart, by the way these images are so beautiful.

I think the universe is against me or is teaching me to be patient to wait for the right ramen that I would surely love lol! I haven't had yet a ramen that I would say I liked.

Indeed it was a pleasant surprise to find this area here in the city wherein we would enjoy the food and our time there. I hope to find more places like this :)

Thank you so much for dropping by. Have a fantabulous one as well :)

I know right? I hope you find that right place soon for the ramen and I'm sure you are going to have some there and maybe even take some home, hehehe.

Yes I hope you find more places like this, all you have to do is, follow your heart, hehe just like you did with this one.

You are so welcome, I'm happy I stopped by.

Gotta start exploring more lol! The proliferation of places to eat here in the city is growing by the day.

Wow that's awesome, that means you will find that place soon, hehe.

I hope so too! Happy weekend :)

Happy weekend to you too Leeart 💙.

That laksa looks great.

Indeed. Now I'm craving for more again lol!

Sounds like it's worth going back.

Indeed but when will I go back is yet to be determined lol! Happy weekend!

The food does look appetising. And it is more like what we are used to that lets us decide if we think it is good. Hahaha we shouldn’t compare to much. Just see how the dish is. Good to hear it was good.
I like the photographs, they depict the atmosphere around well. The lanterns are cute. And tell a story, always.

It's a bad habit of mine to compare lol! So it's a bit of a challenge to present something highlighting the best parts of them.

Thanks so much for appreciating! The lanterns are a brilliant idea as it adds to the overall look of the place.

I think we all do in some ways… as the things we know are familiar. And the unknown is not… it’s a human thing to do. So probably not even classed as a bad habit 😉🤓

You are welcome @leeart 😁👋🏻 They do… love them. Would like to have lanterns in my garden ince we have a garden hahaha 🤣
Have a great day!

Humans are really complex beings :D

That would be interesting to see what kind of lanterns you'll put in there.

Humans sure are some complex species 😉🤓

Thanks… watch this space… first we move… continents… get a house with a garden. Start the veggies… and dress it all up. I have so many ideas I want to do in the garden and seating areas. 😎😁 one day soon 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Hopefully.

That sounds exciting already! I hope you get to do all that soon :D

😎 thanks so much @leeart 😊 planning it for a while now, but paperwork delays and backlogs are holding us up a bit 🤓 we will get there eventually 😉
Enjoy your Sunday 👋🏻

Sometimes I forget that Baguio exists in the Philippines hahaha. The place and ambiance give out-of-the-country vibes. Btw, never tried laksa. It looks good to the eyes tho

I am kli4d from read.cash. Nice to meet you here Kuya Art :)

I hope you get to find laksa in your area and try it and hopefully you get to love it :) More and more cuisines are being introduced now around us because as humans we are insatiable and we always desire for more, for something new lol!

Good to you have you here @cli4d!

Ay agasem!

Hehehe awan sa pay laksa dita?

awan sapay. cguro jay robinsons ngen hanak met manag mall gamin tadtan hehe

Hehe uray siak han unay ti mall. Dagita ladtan cafes.

Wen maymayat pay hehe

I'm glad you found a place you like 🙌 Maybe you will go back soon???

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

I surely will. There are other shops there that we have to try.

Thank you for appreciating!

All the red lanterns say ramen, I’m surprised they don’t have any. But the laksa looks great! Close enough hahah

I think it was still early that time but even so hehe. I hope next time it is available.

All foods looks so delicious!!!​

Indeed :) Thanks much for dropping by. Happy weekend!

I love sushi and laksa. Seems like you got the good wasabi stuff. :) The laksa looks amazing and mouth watering.

I came through Dreemport

That wasabi was a pleasant spicy surprise :D Thank you for appreciating! Happy weekend :)

I love when it is that spicy that you have tears in your eyes and almost crying. 😅

Oh, yes lol! We like torturing ourselves :D

@leeart! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23. (5/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

This looks absolutely fantastic kuya. Not only the food but the locations seems really cool!
Popped in via dreemport today:)

It's like those hole in the wall kind of thing which is surprisingly good :)

Thank you kuya for dropping by!