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RE: Finding some passion in curd

in Foodies Bee Hive4 months ago

It's really great that we can store stuff we don't want to lose here on Hive!
My old PC that had my recipe folder on, crashed before I'd done a backup. So mad with myself! Fortunately I have the hard copies. Dean set up a family drop box account so my files are all safely stored there now.
I'm passionate about Lemon Curd and Passionfruit Curd takes it to another level, just looove it.
I really need to try and grow granadillas, none of my friends have it, so I end up buying, but do make my own lemon or passionfruit curd. You are so blessed to live in a small village where you all share produce or products.
Yours looks sooo delicious Fiona!


We never had any success with granadillas. I should try again. Anyhow, if, as you say, they land on me, there's no need!

I didn't have hard copies of some of my recipes.... Anyhow, I'm now recreating them. We shall see how that goes...

I'll have to slowly start retyping all those recipes. I had all my files stored on an external hard drive, but deleted the whole lot to make space for movies and series that friends and I used to download. Serves me right doing illegal stuff!

I'm terrible with lemon curd, used to eat it by the spoonful!

Funny how my sweet craving disappeared since my operation, as I now crave anything salty. Much better for the reflux though.

I hope you have a good week Fiona <3

Good week to you, too, Lizelle!