
Hey, @lizelle.

Well, thank you for the kind words. It's odd. While I'm pretty sure there was more work involved in this, it didn't feel that way, since it was split up, and none of the recipes were overly complicated. That helped.

re: grandpa

You certainly don't have to call me Grandpa. :) And as far as that goes, though, you're only as old as you feel, right?

In my case, my brain says somewhere in my late 30s, but my body says I'm much older than where I'm at (almost 54), so which do I choose to listen to? :)

Age is but a state of mind until the body tells you otherwise so I would say, listen to the brain not the body for sure otherwise you'll get old way before your time!
Well you could almost call me Mom if you're still so young, gosh I can't believe it but I'll be 67 later this month, sounds horrific ;);)

My Dad turns 80 next year, so if 67 is horrific, I don't want to imagine what 80 is like. :)