
Balance is more often than not inner ear problems, at Mom's age difficult to say having taken the fall, so long as someone is close to hand at least she is still mobile.

Pies looked good, my Mom was the pastry queen of the home, a road seldom/never ventured into here. Have a great day!

I also love working with pastry!
Unfortunately mom has an Acoustic Neuroma, a benign brain tumour that's sits in the lower brain right behind her left ear and it's very slowly getting bigger, which is causing the balance problem, exacerbated by the weak ankle, not easy!
Woolies pies are good and Ma Baker not bad at all, but homemade still is best. My hubby looooves pastries😉

I take short cuts and buy once in awhile, used to have lovely home baked years ago from local Spar alas no more... Will keep Woolies in mind, very seldom go there.

When age catches up there is little one is able to do, thankfully she is not sitting in an old age home stranded as many do. Take care and enjoy every moment, even with that pastry you present so well.