Strawberry Jelly Chocolate Cake Recipe

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago (edited)

Jelly is very common dessert in Asia. It has different texture from Pudding and is made of konjac and seaweed extract. It has bouncy texture and gelatin-like appearance. In Indonesia, the famous brand for instant jelly is Nutrijell. They have plenty variant with different flavors. They've also been around since I was a kid. I am also proud to say, it was my first entrepreneurship thing when I was in elementary school, selling jellies. But yeah, now I don't do jellies anymore, I just love making them when I crave a real cake because I don't have proper tools to bake. So jelly cake has always been my option especially when money's tight.



  • a small pack of instant jelly
  • 8gr of sugar
  • Chopped Strawberries
  • Chocolate powder
  • Honey for garnish (optional)

How to make

  • Boil the water and mix jelly powder and sugar. While waiting for this process, chopped the fresh strawberries


  • After the mixture boils, cool it down for a minute
  • Pour into bowl shapes/ anything you'd like
  • Place the chopped strawberries on the first layer
  • Pour the remaining mixture to the bowl
  • Cool down for 60 minutes
  • Move it to a plate.

Time for garnish :

  • Sprinkle chocolate powder and honey into the cake.
  • Chill it for 20 minutes inside fridge.
  • Voila, You just get 1+Cooking skill to make this simple strawberry jelly chocolate cake


I should probably try to use coffee powder. I wonder how that'll turn out. While writing this recipe, I was wandering off a bit so I actually forgot what I was about to say. But yeah, it tastes sweet+sour. Not the best flavor for me but it was decent. If you like something sweeter, try to use more sugar. But remember, do not go overboard than 30gr. Otherwise, that will leave no room for you to try other stuff. ~ signing out
Mac is a freelance writer based in South East Asia. She specializes in Technology,Management, Productivity, Minimalism, How-to Articles, Reviews, Travel, Food and Lifestyle. Other than those, she dabbles in other various interests, including cryptocurrency and art. If not writing, she can be found cooking or coding.

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Nice one! Even though I'm not really a fan for jelly desserts because I find them pretty synthetic :/

hahah yeah, they are definitely synthetic since the powder is made from plants extract. I think anything that's granulated is definitely synthetic :D

Awesome. There are so many jellies. We even have an acorn jelly. I wonder where the sour of the sweet and sour flavor came from, the strawberries? Looks real tasty^^ ♥

It comes from mixture of strawberry and honey, I also use powdered chocolate that was a bit bitter.

Ah... That mouth watering bitter sweet. Now I've got to make something for dinner. Hmmm

Bon Appétit !


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