Hot aromatic cocoa

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago

Hello friends!
Today is the last day of autumn. Winter begins tomorrow and it's time to think about wonderful aromatic warming drinks. What do you think about cocoa?

Of course, cocoa itself is not only tasty, but also very healthy. But we love to make it even more delicious, warming and healthy. For this we make a special mixture. Here's what you'll need for this!

Cocoa powder, coconut sugar, ground cinnamon, Himalayan salt. We like to use low-fat Dutch cocoa for this mixture.

Unfortunately, we did not find this type of cocoa. In this situation, we buy cocoa from Peru. But that didn’t happen either, so we bought another one. We haven't tasted it yet, but we hope this cocoa is also good.

Next we need a clean jar. Let's take it!

Now take cocoa powder and coconut sugar in 1:1 proportions. Pour into a jar.

The jar looks beautiful! Next step: add ground cinnamon and Himalayan salt. Proportions: for 1 glass of cocoa - 0.5 -1 teaspoons of cinnamon and 0.5 teaspoons of salt. If you like spices, you can add a little ground nutmeg, for example.

All that remains is to mix everything well. The end result is such a cute hot chocolate mixture.

It is better not to just pour boiling water over this mixture, but to simmer the drink for minutes over low heat.

So, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 1 glass of water, simmer for 5 minutes on fire and enjoy an amazing warming aromatic drink that warms your soul deeply on cold winter evenings.

(all photos are ours)


Hot cocoa is delicious, and warming. Especially good, if you are in a cold winter. Raffaello is delicious dessert. Currently I am on Tenerife. The weather is currently sunny, and the temperature is 23 °C. There was a rain yesterday afternoon and in the night. There was a thunderstorm and even lightnings too in the night. I flied here from Budapest yesterday (on 2023.11.30). Currently the temperature in Budapest is 2 °C.

It's great that you are now in a warm country. We also have the same kind of weather in our country as in Tenerife. but the evening is already cool so hot cocoa is very suitable