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RE: Grandpa Gotta Eat: TV Dinners

That's a lot of boxes on your desk! I prefer to cook from scratch as much as possible (well that's not true, I don't enjoy cooking I'd prefer if someone did it, but I prefer to eat cooked from scratch, so I know it's good food, without unwanted additives), but at those prices it's probably hard to cook from scratch at a cheaper price. I haven't had a decent pie for so long. They give my husband an acidy stomach, so I stopped getting them. Sigh..


Hey, @minismallholding.

Yeah. I just got rid of them, so they're no longer decorations. :)

I'd like to eat homemade food from scratch, too, but like you, I'm not that fond of all that goes into the preparation, cooking and cleanup. I cook because I'm part of the rotation, not because I really want to. I can enjoy it, but mostly, it tends to stress me out.

But eating out has gotten ridiculously expensive, so I've got to come up with something. My wife used to by lunchmeat, but then it might sit because no one ate it, so she no longer brings much of it home. So, basically, we have peanut butter and tuna. I ate peanut butter sandwiches every day for about two months when I first started working, and while I like them, anything eaten repeatedly will get old after a while.

That's too bad about the pie. One of these days I'll have to try make one, I guess.

My eldest keeps asking me to by lunch meats in, then she goes our for a couple of days, doesn't use them, but gets upset if we use them before they go bad. Needless to say, I also stopped getting them.

For us at school it was cheese sandwiches every day, because that's what my dad liked. I can only eat them now if they have loads of salad on as well! Always found peanut butter too dry.