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RE: An Ode (of sorts) to the Egg

Devilled Eggs??? what is this? Filled? ¿cómo se rellena un huevo? forgive my insufficient culinary culture...

Well, no matter what you talk about in your posts, they are a delight, really. Then I'll eat the fried egg, boiled egg, omelet and even your brain if you put it on the table... hahaha.... well, I'm getting off topic.
You should consider the job of food review or food critic.
And about that hackneyed phrase that breakfast is the most important thing of the day.... well, it doesn't fit my routine, it makes me lazy. I prefer to drink water and have coffee with a little milk and then later.... after a few hours, which can be quite a few, I eat something. Or as much as I want to eat. But this is if I'm going to be at home working, writing... well if I'm going out or doing some physical work, or playing frontenis... I do have a good breakfast.

And the best thing so far is that I don't suffer from anything gastric, I can eat anything at any time I want... I just listen to my body, I give it what it needs.

Saludos, eliza.anne.